I am trying to add custom error message to my file element validator. It is working for all the elements, BUT file. Kindly point out where am I going wrong. I know similar question has been asked before but I want to know what is the problem with this code?

    $file= new Zend_Form_Element_File('albumcover');

    $file->addErrorMessage("Upload 'jpg,jpeg or png' file of less than 1MB in size");

It shows predefined errors not the error message that I have set


1 回答 1



$form = My_Form_File();
if ($form->isValid()) {
} else {
    if ($form->getElement('albumcover')->hasErrors()) {
        $form->getElement('albumcover')->addError("Upload 'jpg,jpeg or png' file of less than 1MB in size");


$file->setDescription("Upload 'jpg,jpeg or png' file of less than 1MB in size"); 
于 2013-02-05T13:00:57.803 回答