这些天我正在做一个蛇游戏作为任务......并希望它会在2-3天内完成......我想知道是否有办法制作安装类型的包......就像一些设置一样。 exe,所以我只需要在windows上安装游戏然后玩它....
1 回答
Normally you do not need a "setup.exe"-type installer for PyGame games.
I use cx_freeze (http://sourceforge.net/projects/cx-freeze/) in Cygwin (http://cygwin.org/) to create binaries for my MS Windows Pygame projects. It is a litte tricky to figure out, but it produces excellent executables.
In most cases it is enough to put the directory produced by cx_freeze into a ZIP file and distribute that.
If you really need an installer, you have to create it after you have created the binary.
Try one of these:
http://www.installjammer.com/ (discontinued)
http://www.flexerasoftware.com/products/installanywhere.htm (commercial)