我在 excel 表中有一个带有 HTML 标签的数据,如下所示:

<b>This is test data<br>Nice
<div> Go on this is next Cell
Very goood <b>.....</b>



3 回答 3


应用Replace All模式<*>


要打开它,请转到功能区Home > Find & Select > Replace...或只需按CTRL+ H


于 2013-02-05T10:59:48.867 回答

在 Excel 中打开 VBA(Alt +F11),在右侧的项目资源管理器中单击项目名称(电子表格名称)。插入 -> 新模块。将下面的用户定义函数粘贴到模块窗口中。另存为允许宏的 .XLSM。

假设您的数据位于单元格 A2 中,请键入函数“=StripHTML(A2)”。您还可以在此处下载一个工作示例:


Function StripHTML(cell As Range) As String
    Dim RegEx As Object
    Set RegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    Dim sInput As String
    Dim sOut As String
    sInput = cell.Text

    sInput = Replace(sInput, "\x0D\x0A", Chr(10))
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "\x00", Chr(10))

    'replace HTML breaks and end of paragraphs with line breaks
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "</P>", Chr(10) & Chr(10))
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "<BR>", Chr(10))

    'replace bullets with dashes
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "<li>", "-")

    'add back all of the special characters
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&ndash;", "–")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&mdash;", "—")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&iexcl;", "¡")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&iquest;", "¿")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&quot;", "")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&ldquo;", "")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&rdquo;", "")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "", "'")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&lsquo;", "'")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&rsquo;", "’")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&laquo;", "«")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&raquo;", "»")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&nbsp;", " ")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&amp;", "&")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&cent;", "¢")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&copy;", "©")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&divide;", "÷")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&gt;", ">")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&lt;", "<")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&micro;", "µ")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&middot;", "·")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&para;", "¶")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&plusmn;", "±")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&euro;", "€")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&pound;", "£")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&reg;", "®")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&sect;", "§")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&trade;", "™")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&yen;", "¥")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&aacute;", "á")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Aacute;", "Á")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&agrave;", "à")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Agrave;", "À")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&acirc;", "â")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Acirc;", "Â")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&aring;", "å")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Aring;", "Å")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&atilde;", "ã")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Atilde;", "Ã")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&auml;", "ä")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Auml;", "Ä")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&aelig;", "æ")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&AElig;", "Æ")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&ccedil;", "ç")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Ccedil;", "Ç")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&eacute;", "é")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Eacute;", "É")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&egrave;", "è")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Egrave;", "È")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&ecirc;", "ê")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Ecirc;", "Ê")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&euml;", "ë")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Euml;", "Ë")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&iacute;", "í")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Iacute;", "Í")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&igrave;", "ì")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Igrave;", "Ì")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&icirc;", "î")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Icirc;", "Î")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&iuml;", "ï")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Iuml;", "Ï")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&ntilde;", "ñ")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Ntilde;", "Ñ")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&oacute;", "ó")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Oacute;", "Ó")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&ograve;", "ò")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Ograve;", "Ò")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&ocirc;", "ô")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Ocirc;", "Ô")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&oslash;", "ø")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Oslash;", "Ø")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&otilde;", "õ")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Otilde;", "Õ")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&ouml;", "ö")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Ouml;", "Ö")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&szlig;", "ß")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&uacute;", "ú")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Uacute;", "Ú")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&ugrave;", "ù")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Ugrave;", "Ù")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&ucirc;", "û")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Ucirc;", "Û")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&uuml;", "ü")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&Uuml;", "Ü")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "&yuml;", "ÿ")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "", "´")
    sInput = Replace(sInput, "", "`")

    'replace all the remaining HTML Tags
    With RegEx
    .Global = True
    .IgnoreCase = True
    .MultiLine = True
    .Pattern = "<[^>]+>" 'Regular Expression for HTML Tags.

    End With
    sOut = RegEx.Replace(sInput, "")
    StripHTML = sOut
    Set RegEx = Nothing
    End Function
于 2013-06-18T15:21:08.973 回答


好的,伙计们,我以前没有编程经验(除了 6 年前的一些非常基本的 Java),但在一些帮助下,很多猜测(实际上是几个小时)我设法制作了这个脚本,它就像一个魅力来删除大部分和8#text 但它不替换<BR>为换行符(您可以通过按 CTRL + H 来执行此操作,“查找:<br>”“替换:(现在按住 ALT 并在数字键盘上使用类型 0010。替换中的小点应该闪烁窗口,然后点击“全部替换”)。

将下面的代码粘贴到用户模块中(alt +f11,右键Sheet1->insert->Module->paste code)


Sub RemoveTags()
    Dim r As Range

    Selection.NumberFormat = "@"  'set cells to text numberformat

    With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
      .Pattern = "\<.*?\>"
      .Global = True

      For Each r In Selection
        r.Value = Replace(.Replace(r.Value, ""), "&#8217;", " ")
        r.Value2 = Replace(.Replace(r.Value2, ""), "&#8211;", " ")
      Next r

      For Each r In Selection
        r.Value = Replace(.Replace(r.Value, ""), "&#8216;", " ")
        r.Value2 = Replace(.Replace(r.Value2, ""), "&#8232;", " ")
      Next r

      For Each r In Selection
        r.Value = Replace(.Replace(r.Value, ""), "&#8233;", " ")
        r.Value2 = Replace(.Replace(r.Value2, ""), "&#146;s", " ")
      Next r
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

End Sub
于 2016-01-14T08:02:12.163 回答