Does JUNG give the ability to pick, move, resize, or delete Annotation objects from the graph?


After considering the AnnotationDemo (cited by @sdasdadas), the following code of interest was identified (in lines 126-134):

// Get the RenderContext for this visualization viewer
RenderContext<String,Number> rc = vv.getRenderContext();

// Create a new AnnotatingGraphMousePlugin with default settings.
// The AnnotatingGraphMousePlugin class is a subclass of AbstractGraphMousePlugin
// and also implements the interfaces MouseListener and MouseMotionListener. As
// such, the respective overridden methods would be a interesting place to embed
// the logic for the required behavior. However I am still not sure!
AnnotatingGraphMousePlugin<String,Number> annotatingPlugin =
        new AnnotatingGraphMousePlugin<String,Number>(rc);

// Create a GraphMouse for the main view, using the annotating mouse plugin.
final AnnotatingModalGraphMouse<String,Number> graphMouse = 
        new AnnotatingModalGraphMouse<String,Number>(rc, annotatingPlugin);

and (in lines 174-180):

// Create annotation controls to allow the selection of color, shape, fill,
// and z-order. None of these controls is of interest to us.
AnnotationControls<String,Number> annotationControls = 
        new AnnotationControls<String,Number>(annotatingPlugin);

Based on the comments shown above, my initial question remains the same.


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于 2013-02-07T18:18:04.183 回答