Hi I am creating windows phone 8 app , i want to store huge amount data in my app ,

i have already completed my windows 8 tablet app using sqlite version for windows 8.

my doubt is regarding creating a local datbase in windows phone 8 which is the most reliable one to go with ?

option 1:- Working with SQLite in Windows Phone 8: a sqlite-net version for mobile

option 2:- linq to sql (Local database for Windows Phone)

if i use the option 1 i can easily re-use all my Data, DALC, BIZ layers as it is even in my phone versions (which i already built for windows 8 tablet app).

if i use option 2 i need to create .sdf files type of my data and revamp my layers as per linq to sql .

1) I wanted to know which one is most reliable ?

2) are there any drawbacks in Working with SQLite in Windows Phone 8: a sqlite-net version for mobile ?

thanks in advance.


1 回答 1


您可以将 sqlite 与 linq to sql 甚至实体框架一起使用。在此处查看文章http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/236918/Using-SQLite-embedded-database-with-entity-framewo


说到可靠性,用它开发的人说 sqlite 是超可靠的。我找不到任何研究,但知道例如 firefox 在内部使用它,而且我从未听说过 firefox 的配置损坏的案例,我只是可能同意这种说法。另一个众所周知的实现是在 TeamSpeak 中。

由于您正在使用手机,因此电池寿命确实是一个问题。你说你有很多数据,这会导致很多查询。正因为如此,您可能需要转向 sqlite。

如果我是你,我会有一个抽象这个层的 DAL。使用依赖注入来选择 DAL。从 sqlite 开始,如果它在某些时候不足,您可以随时切换。但是,手机上的数据迁移可能会引起问题。

于 2013-02-05T07:19:22.590 回答