我有这个功能显示左右移动的图像。有没有办法在 html 页面中创建一个按钮来更改其中一个图像?
比如,如果你点击“讲个笑话”happy.png 变成了laugh.png?
//fish moves on mouse hover
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#swim").mousemove(function (event) {//defines the swim area
var fish = $("#fish1");//defines the fish css styles
var position = fish.position();
var mousey = event.pageX;
if (position.left > mousey) {
$("#fish1").html("<img src='images/happy.png' />");//when swimming left, show left facing fish
} else {
$("#fish1").html("<img src='images/happyback.png'/>");//when swimming right, show right facing fish
$("#fish1").stop().animate({//animates the two images to show animated swimming
left: event.pageX,
top: event.pageY
}, 300);