我是 html/css 的新手,所以请那些慷慨提供帮助的人记住这一点。


我设法让它在 Chrome 上运行,但在 Internet Explorer 中惨遭失败。我不希望过渡效果适用于 Internet Explorer。

这是我的代码。我知道这可能非常混乱。 http://studyusa.com/images/-IEHover-Issue.html

我尝试了从不同角度添加填充的解决方案,给它一个高度和宽度,透明背景.gif,以及一些我不知道它是否在做任何事情的 JS 片段......

我取自的 JS 代码:




<!DOCTYPE html> 
<style type="text/css">

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        div.threefeatures a:link span {
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                <!--Hover Script for IE-->
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                (" over", "");

<!--3 Features Hover Click-->
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    <!--3 Features Starts Here-->

    <div id="threefeatures-container">
        <div class="threefeatures">

            <a class="threefeatures-text-link" href="http://studyusa.com/en/schools/"><span>Search Schools</span></a>

            <img src="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Find-Schools-01.png" class="img1" alt="Use Study in the USA's advanced U.S. Schools Search for International Students to find the perfect school for you">

            <img src="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Find-Schools-02.png" class="img2" alt="Use Study in the USA's advanced U.S. Schools Search for International Students to find the perfect school for you">


        <div class="threefeatures threefeatures-margin">

            <a class="threefeatures-text-link" a href="http://studyusa.com/en/advisors/"><span>Ask Questions</span></a>

            <img src="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Ask-Questions-01.png" class="img1" alt="Get your questions about Studying in the USA answered by asking our adivisors for free">

            <img src="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Ask-Questions-02.png" class="img2" alt="Get your questions about Studying in the USA answered by asking our adivisors for free"></a>


        <div class="threefeatures">

            <a class="threefeatures-text-link" href="http://studyusa.com/en/resources/"><span>Read Articles</span></a>

            <img src="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Read-Articles-01.png" class="img1" alt="Read Articles and learn how to Study in the USA">

            <img src="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Read-Articles-02.png" class="img2" alt="Read Articles and learn how to Study in the USA">



1 回答 1


好的,你的代码确实很乱,所以我重建了你的页面并想出了这个。我希望您在研究新代码后能有所收获。如果您不确定某事,请随时询问。下面的代码应该至少适用于 IE8+。

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

<style type="text/css">

#three-featured a img { border: none; } /* IE fix */

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     margin: 0 5px;
     *display: inline; /* IE fix */
    zoom: 1; /* IE fix */

#three-featured li a {
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#three-featured li a:hover {
    color: #fff;

#three-featured li span {
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    font: bold 14px "Helvetica"; 
    text-transform: uppercase;

#three-featured li img {
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    top: 0;
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    display: none;

#schools a {
    background: transparent url('http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Find-Schools-01.png') no-repeat center center;

#questions a {
    background: transparent url('http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Ask-Questions-01.png') no-repeat center center;

#articles a {
    background: transparent url('http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Read-Articles-01.png') no-repeat center center;

<ul id="three-featured">
    <li id="schools">
        <a href="http://studyusa.com/en/schools/">
            <img src="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Find-Schools-02.png" alt="Your alt">
            <span>Search Schools</span>
    <li id="questions">
       <a href="http://studyusa.com/en/advisors/" data-bg="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Find-Schools-02.png"> 
           <img src="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Ask-Questions-02.png" alt="your at" />
           <span>Ask Questions</span>
    <li id="articles">
        <a href="http://studyusa.com/en/resources/" data-bg="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Find-Schools-02.png">
            <img src="http://studyusa.com/common/homepage_test/images/3-Features-Read-Articles-02.png" alt="Your alt" />
            <span>Read Articles</span>

<script type="text/javascript">

    mouseenter: function() {
       jQuery("img", this).stop().fadeIn();
    mouseleave: function() {
       jQuery("img", this).stop().fadeOut();     
},'#three-featured a'); 


这是一个 jsfiddle: http: //jsfiddle.net/BDtGG/(当您提出问题时,请尽可能多地使用此站点 - 也创建 jsfiddle 并将链接粘贴到 stackoverflow 上)

于 2013-02-05T02:53:59.293 回答