. 这是一个简单的函数,它接受一个文本字符串并将其拆分并返回适当的表达式以满足您的粗体绘图需求。我相信您可以根据需要进行调整。
# Pass the function a string and a character to split on
# The splitting is greedy (i.e. it will split on all matches so make sure you are splitting on a unqiue character such as ":" in your example)
tsplit <- function( string , split ){
require( stringr )
blurb <- paste( string )
blurbs <- strsplit( blurb , paste(split) )
annot <- bquote( paste( bold( .( blurbs[[1]][1] ) ) , .(split) , .(blurbs[[1]][2]) , sep = "" ) )
return( annot )
#And the function in action...
j <- tsplit( "Define: This is my blurb" , ":" )
textplot( paste( " " ) ) #Get new plot
text(0.5 , 0.5 , j ) #paste the text
抱歉,我在您所说的问题中意识到您不能使用文本进行放置,因为它有问题。快速检查 textplot ( showMethods(textplot)
) 的可用方法和用于绘制字符 ( getAnywhere(textplot.character)
) 的适当方法的来源表明 textplot 实际上使用调用来text
创建自定义函数来执行您想要的操作。您可以将其复制并粘贴到 R 中,它应该按照底部的示例工作。
tplot.cust <- function ( object , split , halign = c("center", "left", "right"), valign = c("center",
"top", "bottom"), cex, fixed.width = TRUE, cspace = 1, lspace = 1,
mar = c(0, 0, 3, 0) + 0.1, tab.width = 8, ...)
# extra code to split text according to 'split' argument and make text before the split bold.
blurb <- paste( object )
blurbs <- strsplit( blurb , paste(split) )
annot <- bquote( paste( bold( .( blurbs[[1]][1] ) ) , .(split) , .(blurbs[[1]][2]) , sep = "" ) )
object <- paste(object, collapse = "\n", sep = "")
object <- gplots:::replaceTabs(object, width = tab.width) #you need to add gplots::: to this line because replaceTabs is a function that is not exported from the gplots namespace
halign = match.arg(halign)
valign = match.arg(valign)
opar <- par()[c("mar", "xpd", "cex", "family")]
par(mar = mar, xpd = FALSE)
if (fixed.width)
par(family = "mono")
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), log = "", asp = NA)
slist <- unlist(lapply(object, function(x) strsplit(x, "\n")))
slist <- lapply(slist, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "")))
slen <- sapply(slist, length)
slines <- length(slist)
if (missing(cex)) {
lastloop <- FALSE
cex <- 1
else lastloop <- TRUE
for (i in 1:20) {
oldcex <- cex
cwidth <- max(sapply(unlist(slist), strwidth, cex = cex)) *
cheight <- max(sapply(unlist(slist), strheight, cex = cex)) *
(lspace + 0.5)
width <- strwidth(object, cex = cex)
height <- strheight(object, cex = cex)
if (lastloop)
cex <- cex/max(width, height)
if (abs(oldcex - cex) < 0.001) {
lastloop <- TRUE
if (halign == "left")
xpos <- 0
else if (halign == "center")
xpos <- 0 + (1 - width)/2
else xpos <- 0 + (1 - width)
if (valign == "top")
ypos <- 1
else if (valign == "center")
ypos <- 1 - (1 - height)/2
else ypos <- 1 - (1 - height)
text(x = xpos, y = ypos, labels = annot , adj = c(0, 1),
cex = cex, ...) #add the newly created annot expression here
然后我们可以像这样使用 tplot.cust ......
blurb <- "Define: This is my blurb"
tplot.cust(blurb, ":" , halign="left", valign="top", cex = 1, family="serif")