







2 回答 2


The Hamiltonian Path problem is actually looking for a longest simple path in a graph. It is easy to see that the two problems are basically equivalent (longest simple path and hamiltonian path). This problem is indeed a classic NP-Complete Problem.
It is NP-Complete since there is a polynomial reduction from another (already proved) NP-Hard Problem to this problem, and thus (from transitivity of polynomial reductions) this problem is NP-Hard as well. Since it is also in NP, it is NP-Complete.

The shortest path on the other hand is a different one, it asks what is the shortest way from point A to point B, and it is in P because there is a polynomial time algorithm that solves it (Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-Ford, BFS for non weighted graphs).

Regarding "And how is there complexity calculated?" I assume you mean how do we determine their complexity classes - in this case, Shortest Path is in P because we have a deterministic polynomial time algorithm that solves it (some mentioned above), while the complexity class of Hamiltonian Path is NP-Complete because it is both NP-Hard (there is polynomial reduction from another proven NP-Hard problem), and NP (we can solve it easily in polynomial time on non-determinitic turing machine).
Note that we DO NOT KNOW if Hamiltonian Path is in P or not, because we do not know if P=NP.

于 2013-02-04T14:59:39.817 回答


一个例子就是上图。从 q 到 t 的最短路径包括从 q 到 r 的最短路径。但是q到t的最长路径是qrt,q到r的最长路径是qstr,不包含在qrt中。这是因为最长路径的子问题不是相互独立的。从 q 到 r 的最长路径是 qsrt。从 r 到 t 的最长路径是 rqst。这两个问题有重叠,所以它们不是独立的,所以这个问题没有最优子结构,所以不能用动态规划和贪心算法来解决。

于 2019-12-03T01:55:14.670 回答