我正在试验 Hibernate Validator 的方法验证。
我已经编写了我能想象到的最简单的 EJB 并注释了它的约束。
public String checkString(@NotNull @NotBlank @Characters(invalidCharacters = { '1' }) String string);
this.parameterValidation.checkString(null); // Throws Exception
this.parameterValidation.checkString(""); // Throws Exception
this.parameterValidation.checkString("123"); // Does NOT throw Exception - why?
* Checks if a String contains only characters from the given character set. Note that this sets a parameter
* {@code positions} with a comma-separated list of the positions of invalid characters (based on 1, not 0!).
@Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE })
@Constraint(validatedBy = CharactersCheck.class)
public @interface Characters {
* The I18N key of the error message.
public static final String I18N_KEY = "ipi.msg.validation.characters";
* Error message.
* The associated violation groups.
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
* The payload.
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
* The character set to which the text must conform.
CharacterSet characterSet() default CharacterSet.ISO_8859_15;
* Additional characters which must not be found in the text.
char[] invalidCharacters() default {};
* If this is {@code true}, carriage returns and line feeds are allowed in the text, making it a multi-line text.
boolean carriageReturnAllowed() default false;
* Defines several {@link Characters} annotations on the same element.
@Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE })
@interface List {
* The {@link Characters} annotations.
Characters[] value();
public class CharactersCheck implements ConstraintValidator<Characters, CharSequence>, MessageAttributeModifier {
* The character set to check.
private CharacterSet characterSet;
* Additional invalid characters.
private char[] invalidCharacters;
* If this is {@code true}, carriage returns and line feeds are allowed in the text, making it a multi-line text.
private boolean carriageReturnAllowed;
private SortedSet<Integer> invalidCharacterPositions;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void initialize(final Characters constraintAnnotation) {
this.characterSet = constraintAnnotation.characterSet();
this.carriageReturnAllowed = constraintAnnotation.carriageReturnAllowed();
if (this.carriageReturnAllowed) {
this.invalidCharacters = constraintAnnotation.invalidCharacters();
} else {
final int invalidCharactersLength = constraintAnnotation.invalidCharacters().length;
this.invalidCharacters = Arrays.copyOf(constraintAnnotation.invalidCharacters(), invalidCharactersLength + 2);
this.invalidCharacters[invalidCharactersLength] = '\r';
this.invalidCharacters[invalidCharactersLength + 1] = '\n';
this.invalidCharacterPositions = new TreeSet<>();
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isValid(final CharSequence value, final ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
if (value == null) {
return true;
} else {
return this.invalidCharacterPositions.isEmpty();
private void setInvalidCharacterPositions(final CharSequence value) {
this.invalidCharacterPositions = CharacterChecker.checkCharacters(String.valueOf(value), this.characterSet,
* {@inheritDoc}
public void modifyAttributes(final Map<String, Object> attributes, final Context context) {
setInvalidCharacterPositions((CharSequence) context.getValidatedValue());
if (!this.invalidCharacterPositions.isEmpty()) {
attributes.put(MessageVariables.POSITIONS, StringUtils.join(this.invalidCharacterPositions, ", "));
请注意,我创建了一个自定义消息插值器,它允许检查将消息变量添加到给定的 Map。为此,我在消息插值器中创建了一个新的检查实例,并使用此接口调用它:
* Modifies attributes within a validation message.
public interface MessageAttributeModifier {
* Modifies the attributes within the validation message.
* @param attributes The existing attributes, which can be modified; the attributes already contain the values from
* the annotation and additionally also {@link MessageVariables#VALIDATED_VALUE}
* @param context The validation context
public void modifyAttributes(Map<String, Object> attributes, final Context context);