我们已经使用 jqGrid 之外的按钮和滑块等 jquery.ui 组件实现了过滤(在网上商店中)。列表(网格)的可用过滤器取决于当前处于活动状态的类别。当按钮和滑块被按下/使用时,我们创建规则并将它们添加到过滤器属性中,并在必要时将它们删除。

在大多数情况下,这就像一个魅力,但是当为包含从 < 100 到 > 100 的值的类别创建特定过滤器时,如果我们使用滑块进行过滤,结果会出现奇怪的情况。一旦我们开始拉动滑块的下部,当较低的值大于最小值(即 < 100)但小于 100 时,整个结果集就会消失。在这种情况下,最小值是 97,6 和对于滑块上的值 98 和 99,结果为空。但是当滑块值变为 100 或更大时,结果是正确的。我还将值低于 100 的文章更改为 > 100,然后一切都按预期工作。


我们使用 jqgrid 4.3.1,我今天也尝试使用 4.4.4 版本,结果相同。

我们也使用瑞典语语言环境,如果这与 jqGrid 如何解释网格中的值有关。



else if (dynamicFilters[l].Type == "slider") {
                            //Get the smallest and the biggest value that we should be able to filter on

                            //Parse the value so that there are no non-numberic characters, and also replace ',' with '.' so that it can be converted to a numeric value
                            var currentValue = property.Value.replace(/[^0-9.,]/g, '').replace(/[,]/g, '.');
                            var index = property.Value.indexOf(".");

                            if (index >= 0) {
                                currentValue = property.Value.substring(0, index);

                            currentValue = Number(currentValue);

                            //Specific case where no value has been set
                            if (dynamicFilters[l].Values[0] == 0 && dynamicFilters[l].Values[1] == 0) {
                                dynamicFilters[l].Values[0] = currentValue;
                                dynamicFilters[l].Values[1] = currentValue;
                            } else {
                                //Else check if the value is either smaller or larger than those in the array
                                if (dynamicFilters[l].Values[0] > currentValue) {
                                    dynamicFilters[l].Values[0] = currentValue;
                                if (dynamicFilters[l].Values[1] < currentValue) {
                                    dynamicFilters[l].Values[1] = currentValue;

这似乎工作正常,我已经在 Chrome devtools 中调试过它并且值是正确的。

然后我们在 GUI 中创建实际的滑块:

else if (filter.Type == "slider") {
            //Create the slider filters

            //Start the container for the slider filter, the second div is then used to create the slider with the jQuery UI control
            $("#dynamicFilters").append('<div class="dynamic-filter"><strong>' + filter.DisplayName + '</strong> <input type="text" id="' + filterId + '_amount" class="dynamic-filter-amount"></input><div id="' + filterId + '" class="dynamic-slider-filter" filter-property="' + filter.ParameterName + '" filter-type="' + filter.Type + '" filter-unit="' + filter.Unit + '" filter-value="' + filter.Values[0] + ';' + filter.Values[1] + '"></div></div>');

            var filters = currentProfile.Filters;
            var minValue = -1;
            var maxValue = -1;

            //Check if there are any values saved for this very filter, if so set the values of the slider
            if (filters != null && !currentProfile.FilterListUrlChanged) {
                for (var j = 0; j < filters.length; j++) {
                    if (filters[j].Field == filter.ParameterName && filters[j].OperatorType == "ge") {
                        minValue = filters[j].Data;
                    if (filters[j].Field == filter.ParameterName && filters[j].OperatorType == "le") {
                        maxValue = filters[j].Data;
            } else {
                minValue = filter.Values[0];
                maxValue = filter.Values[1];

            if (minValue == -1) {
                minValue = filter.Values[0];

            if (maxValue == -1) {
                maxValue = filter.Values[1];

            //Create the actual slider
            if (filter.Values[0] != filter.Values[1]) {
                $("#" + filterId).slider({
                    range: true,
                    min: parseInt(filter.Values[0]),
                    max: parseInt(filter.Values[1]),
                    values: [parseInt(minValue), parseInt(maxValue)],
                    slide: function (event, ui) {
                        var filterProperty = $(this).attr("filter-property");
                        var filterType = $(this).attr("filter-type");
                        var filterUnit = $(this).attr("filter-unit");
                        $("#" + filterProperty + "_amount").val("(" + ui.values[0] + " " + filterUnit + " - " + ui.values[1] + " " + filterUnit + ")");
                        articleListFilter._applyFilter(that, filterProperty, filterType, [ui.values[0], ui.values[1]]);
                    stop: function (event, ui) {
                        //Add the slider filter to the current profile, but only if they have actually moved from their initial position
                        if (ui.values[0] != $(this).slider("option", "min")) {
                            articleListFilter._addProfileFilter(document.URL, $(this).attr("filter-property"), "ge", $(this).attr("filter-type"), ui.values[0]);
                        else {
                            articleListFilter._removeProfileFilter(document.URL, $(this).attr("filter-property"), $(this).attr("filter-type"), "ge", ui.values[0]);

                        if (ui.values[1] != $(this).slider("option", "max")) {
                            articleListFilter._addProfileFilter(document.URL, $(this).attr("filter-property"), "le", $(this).attr("filter-type"), ui.values[1]);
                        else {
                            articleListFilter._removeProfileFilter(document.URL, $(this).attr("filter-property"), $(this).attr("filter-type"), "le", ui.values[1]);
                $("#" + filterId + "_amount").val("(" + $("#" + filterId).slider("values", 0) + " " + filter.Unit + " - " + $("#" + filterId).slider("values", 1) + " " + filter.Unit + ")");

这部分也有效(据我所见),值设置正确,并且它适用于我们尝试使用滑块过滤的所有其他属性。即使范围是 < 100 到 > 100。

_applyFilter 函数如下所示:

_applyFilter: function (that, property, type, value) {
    var myfilter = {};

    //Get a new fresh filter or the current one
    if (that.data("Filter") == null) {
        myfilter.filter = { groupOp: "AND", rules: [] };
        myfilter.HasPriceFilter = false;
        myfilter.HasBrandFilter = false;
        myfilter.HasSmallFilter = false;
        myfilter.HasMediumFilter = false;
        myfilter.HasLargeFilter = false;
        myfilter.HasAdditionFilter = false;
        myfilter.HasMiscFilter = false;
    } else {
        myfilter = that.data("Filter");

    myfilter = articleListFilter._filterDynamic(myfilter, property, type, value);

    //Must reload here so that the paging won't get stuck on a page that has no items. Must be done before the filter is set.

    that.data("Filter", myfilter);

    articleListFilter._setFilter(that, myfilter.filter, 1);

_filterDynamic 函数的工作方式如下:

else if (type == "slider") {
        //Need to check if there already is a filter for the same property and type, if the data should be changed or pushed into the rules array
        var addMinRule = true;
        var addMaxRule = true;
        var minValue = $("#" + property).slider("option", "min");
        var maxValue = $("#" + property).slider("option", "max");

        for (var j = 0; j < myFilter.filter.rules.length; j++) {
            var rule = myFilter.filter.rules[j];

            if (rule.field == property && rule.op == "ge") {
                rule.data = value[0];
                addMinRule = false;
            else if (rule.field == property && rule.op == "le") {
                rule.data = value[1];
                addMaxRule = false;

        if (addMinRule) {
            myFilter.filter.rules.push({ field: property, op: "ge", data: value[0] });

        if (addMaxRule) {
            myFilter.filter.rules.push({ field: property, op: "le", data: value[1] });

        if (value[0] == minValue || value[1] == maxValue) {
            for (var k = 0; k < myFilter.filter.rules.length; k++) {
                var removeRule = myFilter.filter.rules[k];

                if (removeRule.field == property && removeRule.op == "ge") {
                    if (value[0] == minValue) {
                        myFilter.filter.rules.splice(k, 1);
                else if (removeRule.field == property && removeRule.op == "le") {
                    if (value[1] == maxValue) {
                        myFilter.filter.rules.splice(k, 1);




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