首先你需要从这里下载 Joda Time
将其解压缩到任何文件夹并将joda-time-2.2.jar放入 androidProject/libs 文件夹。
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.Days;
import org.joda.time.Months;
import org.joda.time.MutableDateTime;
import org.joda.time.Weeks;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.util.Log;
public class MainActivity extends Activity
private int day ;
private int month ;
private int year ;
private int hour ;
private int minute ;
private long selectedTimeInMillis;
private long currentTimeInMillis;
private String strDay ="";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 10;
hour = 15;
minute = 28;
DateTime selectedTime = new DateTime(year,month,day,hour,minute);
selectedTimeInMillis = selectedTime.getMillis();
MutableDateTime epoch = new MutableDateTime();
epoch.setDate(selectedTimeInMillis); //Set to Epoch time
DateTime now = new DateTime();
currentTimeInMillis = now.getMillis();
int days = Days.daysBetween(epoch, now).getDays();
int weeks = Weeks.weeksBetween(epoch, now).getWeeks();
int months = Months.monthsBetween(epoch, now).getMonths();
Log.v("days since epoch: ",""+days);
Log.v("weeks since epoch: ",""+weeks);
Log.v("months since epoch: ",""+months);
if(selectedTimeInMillis < currentTimeInMillis) //Past
long yesterdayTimeInMillis = currentTimeInMillis - 86400000;
DateTime today = new DateTime(currentTimeInMillis);
int year = today.getDayOfYear();
int intToday = today.getDayOfMonth();
DateTime yesterday = new DateTime(yesterdayTimeInMillis);
int intYesterday = yesterday.getDayOfMonth();
DateTime selectedDay = new DateTime(selectedTimeInMillis);
int intselectedDay = selectedDay.getDayOfMonth();
int intselectedYear = selectedDay.getDayOfYear();
if(intToday == intselectedDay & year == intselectedYear)
strDay = "today";
else if(intYesterday == intselectedDay)
strDay = "yesterday";
strDay = "before "+ days +" days from today";
else if(selectedTimeInMillis > currentTimeInMillis) //Future
long tomorrowTimeInMillis = currentTimeInMillis + 86400000;
DateTime tomorrow = new DateTime(tomorrowTimeInMillis);
int intTomorrow = tomorrow.getDayOfMonth();
DateTime today = new DateTime(selectedTimeInMillis);
int intToday = today.getDayOfMonth();
if(intToday == intTomorrow)
strDay = "tomorrow";
days = -days;
strDay = "after "+ days +" days from today";
Log.v("strDay: ",""+strDay);
你只需要改变 day 的值,你就会得到期望的输出。目前我已将日期 10 作为输入,因此输出将是今天。
我设置了date/day = 10 , month = 8 , year = 2013 , hour = 15 , min = 28
input day 9 output yesterday
input day 3 output before 7 days from today
input year 2012 and day 10 output before 365 days from today
input day 11 output tomorrow
input day 27 output after 17 days from today
input day 23 and year 2016 output after 1109 days from today