我将 Jprofiler 远程连接到 Linux 服务器。但是在连接最终远程JVM崩溃时。JProfiler GUI 的错误消息如下:

The network connection has been lost. The JVM might have terminated unexpectedly.

If the JVM has crashed, please try the following strategies:
*Reduce the -Xmx value of the profiled application.
*Change your profiling settings

我的远程 JVM java 版本是 1.6.0_33 Java Hotspot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

为什么说要减少已分析应用程序的 -Xmx 值,或者如何解决这个问题?


1 回答 1


I had similar problem with JProfiler 7.2.3 after specifying JVM GC settings for JBoss 4.2.3:



It worked again for me after removal of these settings.

于 2013-10-14T11:58:36.000 回答