我有 GWT 应用程序使用 Hibernate 和 Spring 功能,我如何将它部署到 JBoss 7 并将我的域分配给这个部署 (www.mydomain.com),



1 回答 1


在 Jboss 上部署 GWT 应用程序..

1)Compile you gwt web application
2)Copy  the war file 
3)Add all libraries(jar files) in lib folder of war file 
4)Rename your war as mydoamin.war
5)Put the war in jboss/standalone/deployments/
6)create a dodeploy file   like mydoamin.war.dodeploy (type should be file)
7)From command line  enter into Jboss/bin  folder
8)To run the jboss  type standalone.bat -b  
9)Then it start deploy all the dodeploy war files 
10)If jboss created the file mydoamin.war.deployed  ...successfully deploy .(you can acceess as http://localhost:8080/mydoamin)
11)If failed it will generate mydoamin.failed  ..  oops some thing went wrong ..check the console and resolve those exceptions

一切顺利 。

于 2013-02-04T12:22:43.850 回答