我正在创建一个模板系统,该系统可以在客户端使用 Javascript 进行解释,以构建空白表单,例如给客户的一封信等。
我已经构建了模板并在伪代码中设置了逻辑,但是我对 jQuery 的不熟悉我可以使用一些方向来让我开始。
基本思想是在我的文本节点中有一个标记,它表示一个字段,例如 ${prologue},然后将其添加到一个名为“fields”的数组中,然后该数组将用于在 xml 中搜索相应的节点名称。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<text>${Prologue} - Dear ${Title} ${Surname}. This is a message from FUBAR. An engineer called but was unable to gain access, a new appointment has been made for ${ProductName} with order number ${VOLNumber}, on ${AppointmentDate} between ${AppointmentSlot}.
Please ensure you are available at your premises for the engineer. If this is not convenient, go to fubar.com or call 124125121515 before 12:00 noon the day before your appointment. Please refer to your order confirmation for details on what will happen on the day. ${Epilogue} - Free text field for advisor input<
<textBox type="text" fixed="n" size="100" alt="Enter a value">
<Prologue size="200" value="BT ENG Appt Reschedule 254159" alt="Prologue field"></Prologue>
<Surname value="Hoskins"></Surname>
<ProductName value=""></ProductName>
<VOLNumber size="8" value="" ></VOLNumber>
<Epilogue value=""></Epilogue>
<date type="datePicker" fixed="n" size="8" alt="Select a suitable appointment date">
<select type="select" >
<Title alt="Select the customers title">
<Mr selected="true">Mr</Mr>
<AppointmentSlot alt="Select the appointment slot">
<Morning>9:30am - 12:00pm</Morning>
<Afternoon>1:00pm - 5:00pm</Afternoon>
<Evening>6:00pm - 9:00pm</Evening>
Get list of tags from text node and build array called "fields"
For each item in "fields" array:
Find node in xml that equals array item's name
Get attributes of that node
Jump to parent node
Get attributes of parent node
If attributes of parent node != child node then ignore
Else add the parent attributes to the result
Build html for field using all the data gathered from above
//get value of node "text" in xml
var start = $(xml).find("text").text().indexOf('$');
var end = $(xml).find("text").text().indexOf('}');
var tag = "";
var inputType;
// find all tags and add them to a tag array
while (start >= 0)
//console.log("Reach In Loop " + start)
tag = theLetter.slice(start + 2, end);
tagReplaceArray.push(theLetter.slice(start, end + 1));
start = theLetter.indexOf('$', start + 1);
end = theLetter.indexOf('}', end + 1);