Class A
    Class B
        ArrayList<MultiGridImageNode>   a
        Bitmap                          b
        ByteBuffer                      c

    B bb;

        //Load will use Save method to fetch all stored value in file(which is correct)

    load(B cc)
        //this P.x and P.y . I am fetching from file one by one (while debugging i can see correct value)
        Point P;
        cc.a.get(i).add(P)   //Still NULL POINTER EXCEPTION ERROR 

1 回答 1



Class A
    Class B
        ArrayList<MultiGridImageNode>   a = new ArrayList<MultiGridImageNode>(); // <----
        Bitmap                          b = new Bitmap(); // <----
        ByteBuffer                      c = new ByteBuffer(); // <----

    B bb = new B(); // <----

        //Load will use Save method to fetch all stored value in file(which is correct)

    load(B cc)
        //this P.x and P.y . I am fetching from file one by one (while debugging i can see correct value)
        Point P = new Point(); // <----
        cc.a.get(i).add(P)   //Still NULL POINTER EXCEPTION ERROR 

我用 标记了更改// <----

于 2013-02-04T12:11:01.350 回答