好的,这是我现在的新 javascript 代码:

var counter = <? echo $count-1 ?>;
var limit = 24;

function addInput(divName){
 if (counter >= limit)  {
      alert("You have reached the limit of adding " + counter + " inputs");
 else {
      var newdiv = document.createElement('div');

      var dropDown;

      var fromPHP=<? echo $s_to_json ?>;

      for (i=0; i<fromPHP.length; i++){
        yourValue = fromPHP[i];
        dropDown = dropDown + "<option value='" + yourValue + "'>" + yourValue + "</option>";
      var containerType = "<?echo $matRow['container']?>";
      var viz;

      if (containerType == "Box/Bag"){
        viz = "visible";
        viz = "hidden";

      newdiv.innerHTML = "Weight " + (counter + 1) + ": <input type='text' name='myWeights[]' class='putty' maxlength='6' /> Material " + (counter + 1) + ": <input type='text' name='myMaterials[]' class='plato' maxlength='17' value='<? echo (isset($matRow['material']) ? $matRow['material'] : '')?>' /> Container " + (counter + 1) + ": <select onchange=\"switchMain(this.nextSibling.nextSibling.id);\" name='myContainers[]' id='myContainers[]'><option value='<? echo (isset($matRow['container']) ? $matRow['container'] : '') ?>' selected><? echo (isset($matRow['container']) ? $matRow['container'] : '') ?></option>' + dropDown + '" + dropDown + "</select><div id='boxhide[]' style='visibility:" + viz + ";display:inline;'> Quantity " + (counter + 1) + ": <input type='text' name='boxnum" + (counter + 1) +"' class='boxputty' maxlength='2' /></div>";

function getStyle(divName){

var temp = document.getElementById(divName).style.visibility;

return temp;

function switchMain(divName){

//var e = document.getElementById("myContainers[]");
//var strUser = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;


if (strUser == "Box/Bag"){

    var current = getStyle(divName);


    document.getElementById(divName).style.visibility = "visible";
    document.getElementById(divName).style.visibility = "hidden";

function removeInput(divName){

if (counter<=1){
    alert("You cannot remove any more weights from this job.");
else {
    var olddiv = document.getElementById(divName);
    var lastChild = olddiv.lastChild;
        if (lastChild && lastChild.parentNode && lastChild.parentNode.removeChild){


Weight <? echo $count ?>: <input type="text" class="putty" name="myWeights[]" maxlength="6" value="<? echo $read ?>" autofocus /> Material <? echo $count ?>: <input type="text" class="plato" name="myMaterials[]" maxlength="17" value="<? echo (isset($matRow["material"]) ? $matRow["material"] : "") ?>" />
        Container <? echo $count ?>: <select onchange="switchMain(this.nextSibling.nextSibling.id);" name="myContainers[]" id="myContainers[]">
            <option value="<? echo (isset($matRow["container"]) ? $matRow["container"] : "") ?>" selected><? echo (isset($matRow["container"]) ? $matRow["container"] : ""); ($matRow['container'] == 'Box/Bag' ? $vishid = 'visible' : $vishid = 'hidden') ?></option>

            <div id='boxhide[]' style="visibility:<? echo $vishid ?>;display:inline;">
            Quantity <? echo $count ?>: <input type="text" name="boxnum[]" class="boxputty" maxlength="2" />

    <input type="button" alt='Add Weight' title='Add Weight' value="+" onClick="addInput('dynamicInput');">
    <input type="button" alt='Remove Weight' title='Remove Weight' value="-" onClick="removeInput('dynamicInput');">


截至目前,当用户单击以添加一行时,它会将其放置在错误的位置,但我确信我可以像以前一样对其进行排序。更大的问题是,通过单击“+”按钮添加的任何行在更改由 switchMain() 检查的下拉菜单时都会出错。错误显示“TypeError:this.nextSibling.nextSibling 为空”。



1 回答 1




尽可能将 php 和 javascript 分开。如果您必须将数据从 js 传递到 php,我建议采用更规范的方法,预先初始化所有 php 变量,然后稍后在 javascript 中使用它们:

var counter = <? js_escape($count-1); ?>;
var fromPHP=<? js_escape($s_to_json); ?>; // Null if not available
var jsVarFromPhp = <?php escape($necessary_var);?>;
var anotherVariable = <?php escape($another_var);?>;
var materialArray = <? echo json_encode($material_array);?>;

// then the js actually does stuff with javascript variables, ideally wrapped within a function, no php in the logic of your javascript.

隔离 javascript 行为

当您处理这样的复杂语言组合时,通常最好将 php 行为与 javascript 行为隔离开来。 http://jsfiddle.net非常适合,将您想要的 js 行为和您期望的 html 放入测试用例中。您必须将您的 php 变量转换为它们的值,但这会简化测试用例,因此建议您自己调试。

改掉在 html 中直接使用 echo 的习惯

您直接在 html 中回显内容。这最终会导致 XSS。省去麻烦并使用模板引擎(如果只是一个小项目,那就是一个小引擎)。Smarty 很受欢迎,而且很有效。如果您觉得出于某种原因必须使用原生 php,请尽量避免 html 中的 php 逻辑,并给自己一个包装函数以使 php 尽可能干净,例如:

function h($dirty){
    echo htmlentities($dirty, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8');


<input value='<?php h($input_value);?>'>


于 2013-02-05T16:38:53.923 回答