I have about 30 handler routines to dispatch when given a routine name, in String form. So in a factory method, a natural way to dispatch routine is using a series of if...else to compare the routine name to fit in the slot. it works, but no doubt it is clumsy and inefficient as the number of routines rises up.

I came up with a fashion using enum and EnumMap: whenever I add a routine, I add an enum instance, and register it in EnumMap(the routine name and the routine class as key and value).

As what I know, when the number of instances is less than 64(the long type length), the EnumMap implementation uses a long as a bit array and use bit offset to do put and get, so it is extremely fast, and I could gain a O(1) performance when I dispatch the routine as long as the number of routine is less than 64(it quite suits for my situation).

However, a limit of EnumMap is that its key type can only be a Enum, instead of String, and I could not use the routine name(string) to do a quick lookup....

Is there any way to work around this ? Or if only I could do a reverse lookup using a value for a key :)


1 回答 1


I would keep it simple and just use a HashMap<String, Handler> until you can prove that this is a serious bottleneck. I'm assuming here that there's a common superclass or interface that all your handlers extend, so you can just do


EnumMap won't be any faster if you're starting from a String key as you first have to use valueOf to get the enum value corresponding to the string, and this is itself implemented as a lookup in a HashMap...

于 2013-02-04T08:46:56.150 回答