我的代码有点长,它在 Firefox 中运行良好,但从 Chrome 中得到“Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u”。
// when the page loads, list all the current contacts
// check if localStorage database exists
// define a JSON object to hold all current address
var contacts = {
} // end of contacts JSON object
// stringify the object
var stringObject = JSON.stringify(contacts);
// store it into localStorage database
var storedDatabase = localStorage.setItem("customerDatabase", stringObject);
} else {
// list all customers upon page loads
// list all current contacts from JSON object in localStorage
function listJSONCustomers(){
var displayHTML = "";
var i;
// get the data from localStorage
var storedDatabase = localStorage.getItem("customerDatabase");
// parse the data from string to JSON object
var parseObject = JSON.parse(storedDatabase);
// access the users key of the JSON object
var userObject = parseObject.users;
// get the length of the object (how many customers the database has)
var contactsLength = userObject.length;
for(i=0; i<contactsLength; i++){
var trElement = '<tr id="address' + (i+1) + '">';
var tdId = '<td id="id' + (i+1) + '">' + userObject[i].id + '</td>';
var tdName = '<td id="name' + (i+1) + '">' + userObject[i].name + '</td>';
var tdEmail = '<td id="email' + (i+1) + '">' + userObject[i].email + '</td>';
var tdButton = '<td id="button"><button id="editButton' + userObject[i].id + '">Edit</button> | <button id="deleteButton' + userObject[i].id + '">Delete</button></td>';
displayHTML += trElement + tdId + tdName + tdEmail + tdButton + '</tr>';
// add customer to database
if( $('#customerName').val() !== "" && $('#customerEmail').val() !== "" ){
var customerName = $('#customerName').val();
var customerEmail = $('#customerEmail').val();
// get the data from localStorage
var storedDatabase = localStorage.getItem("customerDatabase");
// parse the data from string to JSON object
var parseObject = JSON.parse(storedDatabase);
// access the users key of the JSON object
var userObject = parseObject.users;
// get the new entry
var newCustomerObject = {
"id": userObject.length + 1,
"name": customerName,
"email": customerEmail
// push the new entry into the object
// convert the object into string for localStorage
var stringObject = JSON.stringify(parseObject);
// store the JSON object into localStorage
var storedDatabase = localStorage.setItem("customerDatabase", stringObject);
// list all customes again every time a database receives a new entry
} else {
alert("Please enter customer's name and email.");
}); // end of $('#saveCustomer').click();