I have a database in server 1 which refers to multiple databases in server 2 for record validation purposes. When the scheduled agent runs, it encounters an "Object Variable not set" error. However, when I tried to manually run the agent (Right click agent name, click Run) it runs smoothly without error.

I simulated the database setup in 2 virtual servers and was able to reproduce the error. Line by line debugging shows that the error occurred when it tries to open the database in the other server. Since manual run works smoothly, I do not think the code or variables (server & database path) is wrong.

I've check the ACL for all databases to include the signer and server, also tried to schedule run the agent in all 3 security modes (Restricted, Unrestricted and Restricted with Admin Right). I've looked into the server document and security and allowed access to and from both servers. Anything else that I may have missed?


1 回答 1


我们将运行代理的服务器称为“server1”,将存储数据库的服务器称为“server2”。问题是代理以签署它的用户的身份运行,并且 server1 已经验证了该签名,但 server2 没有。Server2 需要知道签名以便它可以对数据库强制执行 ACL,因此 server2 必须从 server1 获取签名信息。但是 server1 理论上可以对 server2 撒谎,因此默认情况下 server2 不信任来自 server1 的签名信息。

幸运的是,有一种方法可以告诉 server2 信任在 server1 上运行的代理上的签名。在 server2 上 Domino 目录中 server2 的服务器文档中,转到 Security 选项卡,找到标有“Trusted Servers”的字段。在此字段中输入 server1 的标准名称,然后重新启动 server2。(我不确定是否真的需要重新启动。)

这应该允许您在 server1 上的代理读取 server2 上的数据库。

于 2013-02-04T05:24:36.337 回答