i have questions about how database works with application.

Is all applications required to connect to a server first inorder to connect to a database? For example: app <- server <- database.

i have one more question: if i step up a database in my desktop and i wanted to use my java program, which is in my another pc, what is the easiest way to connect them? i did try mysql and db2, but they seems too complicated for me becuase i have no idea how to work them out.

one last question: if i have a db2 database in my linux, how do I get the host name or address, which is used for set up a connection in my java program that is not located in the same computer.


1 回答 1


您需要检查其他系统的 IP 地址,并且您需要为数据库打开防火墙端口,然后您可以从 INTRANET 中的任何系统访问该数据库。

于 2013-02-11T09:01:55.903 回答