我正在尝试围绕 C++ 进行思考。我将只给你一些小片段来帮助说明这个想法,而不会让事情变得复杂。顺便说一句,我只实现这些方法,我无法更改设置或参数。
typedef class Stock ArrayType;
class DynamicArray {
ArrayType** items;
int numberOfElements;
DynamicArray::DynamicArray(ArrayType* const item){
Stock *items = NULL; // ... i guess? pointers to pointers confuse me
// now im guessing i need to create a actual stock array and point the above pointer to it
items = new Stock[1]; // ERROR: incomplete type is not allowed? I've tried several things, and cant get rid of the red squiggles
this->numberOfElements = 1;