// This is the target of a binding
trait BindableValue[T] {
def set(value: T): Unit
// this is the method I am strugling with
def bindTo[S](o: S) = ???
// This will dispatch events of type T
trait Observable[T]
// This represents a value of type T that will
// dispatch events if the value changes
trait ObservableValue[T] extends Observable[T] {
def value: T
// An Observable can be converted to an optional ObservableValue
object ObservableValue {
implicit def wrap[T](o:Observable[T]):ObservableValue[Option[T]] =
new ObservableValue[Option[T]] {
val value = None
- Complete:源类型参数和目标类型参数相同
- 不完整:源和目标类型参数不同
trait Binding[S, T] {
def source: ObservableValue[S]
def target: BindableValue[T]
class CompleteBinding[T](
val source: ObservableValue[T],
val target: BindableValue[T]) extends Binding[T, T]
class IncompleteBinding[S, T](
val source: ObservableValue[S],
val target: BindableValue[T]) extends Binding[S, T]
val bindable1 = new BindableValue[Int] { def set(value:Int) = {} }
val property1 = new ObservableValue[Int] { def value = 0 }
val property2 = new ObservableValue[String] { def value = "" }
val bindable2 = new BindableValue[Option[Int]] { def set(value:Option[Int]) = {} }
val event1 = new Observable[Int] {}
val event2 = new Observable[String] {}
// 'a' should be of type CompleteBinding
val a = bindable1 bindTo property1
// 'b' should be of type IncompleteBinding
val b = bindable1 bindTo property2
// 'c' should be of type CompleteBinding
val c = bindable2 bindTo event1
// 'd' should be of type IncompleteBinding
val d = bindable2 bindTo event2
,以便它编译上述 4 行并为所有值提供正确的具体类型。我只是想念有关 Scala 类型系统的知识。