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Javascript closure inside loops - simple practical example

I'm playing around with setTimeout in a project of mine in order to throttle the adding of elements to the DOM (so UI won't freeze during page loading). However, I've encountered something a bit puzzling to me. Given this code:

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    var j = i + 10;
    console.log("i is: " + i + " j is: " + j);
    setTimeout(function() {
        console.log("in timeout i is: " + i + " j is: " + j);
    }, i * 1000);

I get the following output:

i is: 0 j is: 10
i is: 1 j is: 11
i is: 2 j is: 12
i is: 3 j is: 13
i is: 4 j is: 14
in timeout i is: 5 j is: 14
in timeout i is: 5 j is: 14
in timeout i is: 5 j is: 14
in timeout i is: 5 j is: 14
in timeout i is: 5 j is: 14

That the value of i in the timeout is 5 is obvious since i is scoped in the for loop initialization. However, how come j is 14 for all timeout outputs? I would have thought that j would have output 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 in the timeout since it is scoped within the loop. How could I achieve that result?


1 回答 1


那是因为,在 JavaScript 中,var函数作用域


ECMAScript 2015(又名 ES6)引入let了允许您创建块作用域变量的方法,但由于它没有得到广泛支持,我将留下链接以供参考。


function callbackFactory(i, j) {
    // Now `i` and `j` are scoped inside each `callbackFactory` execution context.
    return function() { // This returned function will be used by the `setTimeout`.
       // Lexical scope (scope chain) will seek up the closest `i` and `j` in parent
       // scopes, that being of the `callbackFactory`'s scope in which this returned
       // function has been initialized.
       console.log("in timeout i is: " + i + " j is: " + j);
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    var j = i + 10;
    console.log("i is: " + i + " j is: " + j);
    setTimeout( callbackFactory(i, j), i * 1000);



做同样事情的另一种方法是在循环内创建一个IIFEfor。这通常更容易阅读,但 JS(H|L)int 会骂你。;)这是因为在循环中创建函数被认为对性能不利。

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    var j = i + 10;
    console.log("i is: " + i + " j is: " + j);
    (function(i, j) { // new execution context created for each iteration
        setTimeout(function() {
            console.log("in timeout i is: " + i + " j is: " + j);
        }, i * 1000);
    }(i, j)); // the variables inside the `for` are passed to the IIFE


将第一种方法 ( callbackFactory) 与上面的 IIFE 混合,我们甚至可以做出第三种选择:

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    var j = i + 10;
    console.log("i is: " + i + " j is: " + j);
    setTimeout(function(i, j) {
        return function() {
            console.log("in timeout i is: " + i + " j is: " + j);
    }(i, j), i * 1000);

这只是使用 IIFE 代替callbackFactory函数。这似乎不太容易阅读,并且仍然在for循环内创建对性能不利的函数,但请注意这也是可能的并且有效

这 3 种方法在野外非常常见。=]

哦,差点忘了回答主要问题。只需将与循环放在callbackFactory同一范围内,然后不要在其内部确定范围,而是让范围链寻找外部范围的 :forii

(function() {
    var i, j;
    function callbackFactory(j) {
    // the `j` inside this execution context enters it as a formal parameter,
    // shadowing the outer `j`. That is, it is independent from the outer `j`.
    // You could name the parameter as "k" and use "k" when logging, for example.
        return function() {
           // Scope chain will seek the closest `j` in parent scopes, that being
           // the one from the callbackFactory's scope in which this returned
           // function has been initialized.
           // It will also seek up the "closest" `i`,
           // which is scoped inside the outer wrapper IIFE.
           console.log("in timeout i is: " + i + " j is: " + j);
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        j = i + 10;
        console.log("i is: " + i + " j is: " + j);
        setTimeout( callbackFactory(j), i * 1000);
/* Yields:
i is: 0 j is: 10  
i is: 1 j is: 11  
i is: 2 j is: 12  
i is: 3 j is: 13  
i is: 4 j is: 14  
in timeout i is: 5 j is: 10  
in timeout i is: 5 j is: 11  
in timeout i is: 5 j is: 12  
in timeout i is: 5 j is: 13  
in timeout i is: 5 j is: 14 */


请注意,我将iandj声明移到了范围的顶部,只是为了便于阅读。它具有与 相同的效果for (var i = [...],将由解释器提升。

于 2013-02-03T14:54:00.060 回答