你试过 jquery-ui 小部件工厂吗?您可能正在重新发明 wheel.js
//this is instantiating the widget, does not need to be in the same file
$(".some-selector").miDialog({autoopen:true //because we can});
//this is a definition, not an instantiation of the widget. aka,
$.widget("mi.miDialog" //namespace
,$.ui.dialog //inherit from this jquery widget
,//start your widget definition
{ options:{autoopen:false,//overwrite parent default option, while still giving instance option to override our definition's override of parent
someInstanceSafeOption: {why:"not",have:"a",subobject:"option"} },
//underscore functions are 'private' unless you dig into the prototype manually
_create :function(){
//you'll need this function. guaranteed to run once.
// upcoming version call parent create
//current version call parent create
this.element.addClass("mi-dialog"); //help with custom styling
this._trigger("created"); //trigger custom events
//register for events here, as _create() will only run once per individual instance
//this will run every time someone calls $('some-selector').miDialog();
//i have yet to use it much
publicFunction: function(some, params){
//this function does whatever you want, and is called $('some-selector'.miDialog("publicFunction", some,params);
_destroy: function(){
//clean up after your widget's create function, if needed.