这是@rkd91 答案的变体:
import time
thisgame_isrunning = make_is_running("thisgame.exe")
def check():
if thisgame_isrunning():
print("The Program is Open!")
print("The Program is closed!")
while True:
check() # ignore time it takes to run the check itself
time.sleep(60) # may wake up sooner/later than in a minute
import psutil # 3rd party module that needs to be installed
def make_is_running(program):
p = [None] # cache running process
def is_running():
if p[0] is None or not p[0].is_running():
# find program in the process list
p[0] = next((p for p in psutil.process_iter()
if p.name == program), None)
return p[0] is not None
return is_running
在 Windows 上安装 Python 2.7,您可以运行psutil-0.6.1.win32-py2.7.exe