我需要帮助将谷歌图表的轴颜色更改为黑色,将背景颜色更改为透明......我已经在整个网络上都没有运气我也尝试过使用 css,但仍然没有运气我正在使用以下脚本:
//Set-up the values for the Axis on the chart
$maxWeeks = count($priceResults);
//Set chd parameter to no value
$chd = '';
//Limit in my example represents weeks of the year
$limit = 52;
//Start to compile the prices data
for ($row = 0; $row < $limit; $row++) {
//Check for a value if one exists, add to $chd
$chd .= $priceResults[$row]['price'];
//Check to see if row exceeds $maxWeeks
if ($row < $maxWeeks) {
//It doesn't, so add a comma and add the price to array $scaleValues
$chd .= ',';
$scaleValues[] = $priceResults[$row]['price'];
} else if ($row >= $maxWeeks && $row < ($limit - 1)) {
//Row exceeds, so add null value with comma
$chd .= '_,';
} else {
//Row exceeds and is last required value, so just add a null value
$chd .= '_';
//Use the $scaleValues array to define my Y Axis 'buffer'
$YScaleMax = round(max($scaleValues)) + 5;
$YScaleMin = round(min($scaleValues)) - 5;
//Generate the number of weeks of the year for A Axis labels
$graphSequence = generateSequence(1, 10, "|");
$cht = 'lc';//Set the chart type
$chxl = '';//custom axis labels
$chxp = '';//Axis Label Positions
$chxr = '0,' . $YScaleMin . ',' . $YScaleMax . '|1,1,52|3,1,12|5,' . $YScaleMin . ',' . $YScaleMax . '';//Axis Range
$chxtc = '0,5|1,5|5,5';//Axis Tick Mark Styles
$chxt = 'y,x';//Visible Axes
$chs = '500x200';//Chart Size in px
$chco = '76E32C';//Series Colours
$chds = '' . $YScaleMin . ',' . $YScaleMax . '';//Custom Scaling
$chg = '-1,-1,1,5';//Grid lines
$chls = '2';//line styles
$chm = '';//Shape Markers
//Build the URL
$googleUrl = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?';
$rawUrl = $googleUrl . 'cht=' . $cht . '&chxl=' . $chxl . '&chxp=' . $chxp . '&chxr=' . $chxr . '&chxs=' . $chxs . '&chxtc=' . $chxtc . '&chxt=' . $chxt . '&chs=' . $chs . '&chco=' . $chco . '&chd=t:' . $chd . '&chds=' . $chds . '&chg=' . $chg . '&chls=' . $chls . '&chm=' . $chm;
$output = $rawUrl;
return $output;
* A nicer way to test arrays
function displayArray($val)
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
* a simple numeric sequence generator. requires a min and max for the sequence, and can take an optional seperator
function generateSequence($min, $max, $seperator = "")
$output = '';
for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++)
$output .= $i . $seperator;
return $output;
$chart = generateGoogleChart();
$html = '<div id="chart">';
$html .= '<img src="' . $chart . '" />';
$html .= '</div>';
echo $html;