
We have a software developer building a web site with Facebook login for our company. They have told us to register a Facebook application.

For the moment, the beta application is hosted in a development environment. I would like to start testing also the Facebook integration. But when I access to the application page in Facebook, I get an error.

I think it might be related to an attribute I find in the first page of the app configuration. The attribute is called "Hosting URL".

The option seems to be linked to some kind of hosting service provided by Heroku. I don't know exactly what is that, but I would say we do not need it. We will use our own hosting server and, what's more, our application is developed in a language different that the one Heroku supports.

Could somebody confirm us which is the problem and, if it is possible, give us a hint to solve it?

Thank a lot in advance, -The SportPoket team


1 回答 1


“托管 URL”是指完成的生产应用程序的公共 Web 地址。但是,在开发过程中,您只需提供可从 Web 浏览器访问的应用程序的 URL。如果您在端口 5000 上运行本地 Web 服务器,则可以使用。

Heroku 只是 Facebook 推荐的托管服务之一,您不必使用它,但文档可能会有所帮助。可以在此处找到有关设置 Facebook 应用程序开发环境的更多信息:https ://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/facebook#1-creating-a-development-facebook-app

于 2013-02-03T09:57:12.420 回答