I need to efficiently calculate the next permutation of length k from n choices. Wikipedia lists a great algorithm for computing the next permutation of length n from n choices.

The best thing I can come up with is using that algorithm (or the Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter algorithm), and then just only considering the first k items of the list, and iterating again whenever the changes are all above that position.


  • The algorithm must calculate the next permutation given nothing more than the current permutation. If it needs to generate a list of all permutations, it will take up too much memory.
  • It must be able to compute a permutation of only length k of n (this is where the other algorithm fails


  • Don't care if it's in-place or not
  • I don't care if it's in lexographical order, or any order for that matter
  • I don't care too much how efficiently it computes the next permutation, within reason of course, it can't give me the next permutation by making a list of all possible ones each time.

1 回答 1



1)k从一组 size中找到所有 size 的子集n

2)对于每个这样的子集,找到 size 子集的所有排列k

引用的 Wikipedia 文章提供了第 2 部分的算法,因此我不会在此重复。第 1 部分的算法非常相似。为简单起见,我将其描述为“查找k整数大小的所有子集[0...n-1]



2a) 找到最小的j使得j ∈ S ∧ j+1 ∉ S. 如果j == n-1,则没有下一个子集;我们完成了。

2b)小于j形成序列的元素i...j-1(因为如果缺少任何这些值,则j不会是最小的)。如果i不为 0,则将这些元素替换为i-i...j-i-1. 将元素替换j为元素j+1

于 2013-02-02T19:53:29.597 回答