我用 C++ & boost 编写了一个程序。是否可以编写一个模板类,从具有未知数量参数的函数中生成仿函数,例如my_call<func>(vector<variant>)fun 可以在哪里bool fun(string)bool fun(int, int, string)等?


1 回答 1


首先,重要的是要认识到这boost::variant<>是一个类模板,它需要它可以包含的所有可能类型的列表。所以,你不会只有一个vector<variant>,而是一个vector<variant<string, double>>,或vector<variant<int, double, string, my_class>>,你将无法混合它们。

这让我觉得你可能想要使用boost::any而不是boost::variant<>. 因此,我在这里提出了一个可以使用boost::variant并且可以稍微修改以使用的解决方案boost::any,因此您可以选择您喜欢的版本。



// The structure that encapsulates index lists
template <size_t... Is>
struct index_list

// Collects internal details for generating index ranges [MIN, MAX)
namespace detail
    // Declare primary template for index range builder
    template <size_t MIN, size_t N, size_t... Is>
    struct range_builder;

    // Base step
    template <size_t MIN, size_t... Is>
    struct range_builder<MIN, MIN, Is...>
        typedef index_list<Is...> type;

    // Induction step
    template <size_t MIN, size_t N, size_t... Is>
    struct range_builder : public range_builder<MIN, N - 1, N - 1, Is...>

// Meta-function that returns a [MIN, MAX) index range
template<size_t MIN, size_t MAX>
using index_range = typename detail::range_builder<MIN, MAX>::type;

元类index_range允许定义整数的编译时序列Jonathan Wakely提出了一个有趣的建议来标准化这种结构,这样整个机器就不需要了。然而,就目前而言,我们必须像上面那样手动编写代码。

现在我们可以构建编译时整数序列,我们可以利用可变参数模板参数解包来创建一个调度机制,将variant参数向量转换为常规参数列表。请注意具体variant<>类型必须如何作为模板参数提供。基于. _ _any

// Headers needed for the implementation of the dispatcher
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>

// Just for convenience
using namespace std;
using boost::variant;


// Call dispatching mechanism: notice how the underlying variant type
// must be provided as a template argument (the first one)
template<typename VT, typename R, typename... Args>
struct dispatcher

    template<typename F>
    dispatcher(F f) : _f(f) { }

    // The call operator which performs the variant dispatch
    R operator () (vector<VT> const& v)
        if (v.size() != sizeof...(Args))
            // Wrong number of arguments provided!
            return false;

        // Delegates to internal function call: needed for deducing
        // a sequence of integers to be used for unpacking.
        index_range<0, sizeof...(Args)> indexes;
        return do_call(v, indexes);


    // The heart of the dispatching mechanism
    template<size_t... Is>
    R do_call(vector<VT> const& v, index_list<Is...> indexes)
        return _f((get_ith<Args>(v, Is))...);

    // Helper function that extracts a typed value from the variant.
    template<typename T>
    T get_ith(vector<VT> const& v, size_t i)
        return boost::get<T>(v[i]);

    // Wrapper that holds the function to be invoked.
    function<R(Args...)> _f;

// Helper function that allows deducing the input function signature
template<typename VT, typename R, typename... Args>
function<R (vector<VT> const&)> get_dispatcher(R (*f)(Args...))
    dispatcher<VT, R, Args...> d(f);
    return d;


#include <iostream>

bool test1(string s, double d)
    cout << s << " " << d << endl;
    return true;

bool test2(int i1, int i2, string s1, string s2)
    cout << i1 << " " << i2 << " " << s1 << " " << s2 << endl;
    return true;



int main()
    // A helper type definition for the variant
    typedef variant<int, double, string> vt;

    // A helper type definition for the function wrapper
    typedef function<bool (vector<vt>)> dispatcher_type;

    // Get a caller for the first function
    dispatcher_type f1 = get_dispatcher<vt>(test1);

    // Prepare arguments for the first function
    vector<vt> v = {"hello", 3.14};

    // Invoke the first function

    // Get a caller for the second function
    dispatcher_type f2 = get_dispatcher<vt>(test2);

    // Prepare arguments for the second function
    v.assign({1, 42, "hello", "world"});

    // Invoke the second function


正如所承诺的,我现在将稍微修改此解决方案以使用boost::any而不是boost::variant. 优点是由于boost::any可以保存任何值,因此无需指定可用作函数参数的可能类型列表。


#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/any.hpp>

using namespace std;
using boost::any;


template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct dispatcher

    template<typename F>
    dispatcher(F f) : _f(f) { }

    // The call operator which performs the dispatch
    R operator () (vector<any> const& v)
        if (v.size() != sizeof...(Args))
            // Wrong number of arguments provided!
            return false;

        // Delegates to internal function call: needed for deducing
        // a sequence of integers to be used for unpacking.
        index_range<0, sizeof...(Args)> indexes;
        return do_call(v, indexes);


    // The heart of the dispatching mechanism
    template<size_t... Is>
    R do_call(vector<any> const& v, index_list<Is...> indexes)
        return _f((get_ith<Args>(v, Is))...);

    // Helper function that extracts a typed value from the variant.
    template<typename T>
    T get_ith(vector<any> const& v, size_t i)
        return boost::any_cast<T>(v[i]);

    // Wrapper that holds the function to be invoked.
    function<R(Args...)> _f;

// Helper function
template<typename R, typename... Args>
function<R (vector<any> const&)> get_dispatcher(R (*f)(Args...))
    dispatcher<R, Args...> d(f);
    return d;

如您所见,VT模板参数已经消失。特别是,可以在get_dispatcher不显式指定任何模板参数的情况下调用。使用我们为基于 - 的解决方案定义的相同测试函数variant,您将如何调整main()例程:

int main()
    // Helper type definition
    typedef function<bool (vector<any>)> dispatcher_type;

    // Get a caller for the first function
    dispatcher_type f1 = get_dispatcher(test1);

    // Get a caller for the second function
    dispatcher_type f2 = get_dispatcher(test2);
    // Prepare arguments for the first function

    vector<any> v = {string("hello"), 3.14};

    // Invoke the first function

    // Prepare arguments for the second function
    v.assign({1, 42, string("hello"), string("world")});

    // Invoke the second function

唯一的缺点是boost::any你不能显式地分配字符串文字,因为字符串文字是 type char [],并且数组不能用于初始化 type 的对象any

any a = "hello"; // ERROR!

因此,您必须将它们包装成string对象,或者将它们显式转换为指向的指针char const*

any a = string("hello"); // OK
any b = (char const*)"hello"; // OK


于 2013-02-02T15:55:10.243 回答