Hey I am new to MonoDeveloper. I am trying to port libgdx code to iOS platform. My Libgdx code runs perfectly on desktop & Android phone. But when i run it on iPhone simulator with MonoDeveloper its giving me this error:
Unhandled Exception: 0 iosgame
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: file.
0x000e8932 mono_handle_exception_internal_first_pass + 3058 1 iosgame
0x000ea012 mono_handle_exception_internal + 1602 2 iosgame
0x000eab5f mono_handle_exception + 47 3 iosgame
0x0012dcb2 mono_x86_throw_exception + 306 4 ???
0x0b73df8f 0x0 + 192143247 at java.net.URL..ctor (java.net.URL,string)
<IL 0x00004, 0x00018> at java.net.URL..ctor (string)
<IL 0x00003, 0x00018> at java.net.URI.toURL ()
<IL 0x00023, 0x00064> at IKVM.Internal.AssemblyClassLoader.MakeResourceURL(System.Reflection.Assembly,string)
<IL 0x00016, 0x0006c> at IKVM.Internal.AssemblyClassLoader/AssemblyLoader.FindResources(string)
<IL 0x0003c, 0x00084> at IKVM.Internal.AssemblyClassLoader/<GetResourcesImpl>c__Iterator0.MoveNext()
<IL 0x00068, 0x00070> at IKVM.Internal.AssemblyClassLoader/<GetResourcesImpl>c__Iterator0.MoveNext()
<IL 0x003dc, 0x0069f> at IKVM.NativeCode.ikvm.runtime.AssemblyClassLoader.getResource(java.lang.ClassLoader,System.Reflection.Assembly,string)
<IL 0x00034, 0x0009c> at ikvm.runtime.AssemblyClassLoader.getResource(java.lang.ClassLoader,System.Reflection.Assembly,string)
<IL 0x00006, 0x00018> at ikvm.runtime.AssemblyClassLoader.getResource (string)
<IL 0x00000, 0x0001c>
Kindly give me suggestion where i am wrong.