我正在使用 portaudio 处理一些音频。只要有音频数据需要处理,haskell FFI 绑定就会调用用户定义的回调。这个回调应该很快被处理,理想情况下没有 I/O。我想保存音频输入并快速返回,因为我的应用程序不需要实时响应音频(现在我只是将音频数据保存到文件中;稍后我将构建一个简单的语音识别系统) .
这是我现在正在使用的内容,以防有帮助(基准 mvar 现在不起作用,但我不喜欢将所有数据存储在 seq 中......我宁愿处理它来代替就在最后):
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Main where
import Codec.Wav
import Sound.PortAudio
import Sound.PortAudio.Base
import Sound.PortAudio.Buffer
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Storable
import qualified Data.StorableVector as SV
import qualified Data.StorableVector.Base as SVB
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)
import Data.Int
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Control.Concurrent
instance Buffer SV.Vector a where
fromForeignPtr fp = return . SVB.fromForeignPtr fp
toForeignPtr = return . (\(a, b, c) -> (a, c)) . SVB.toForeignPtr
-- | Wrap a buffer callback into the generic stream callback type.
buffCBtoRawCB' :: (StreamFormat input, StreamFormat output, Buffer a input, Buffer b output) =>
BuffStreamCallback input output a b -> StreamCallback input output
buffCBtoRawCB' func = \a b c d e -> do
fpA <- newForeignPtr_ d -- We will not free, as callback system will do that for us
fpB <- newForeignPtr_ e -- We will not free, as callback system will do that for us
storeInp <- fromForeignPtr fpA (fromIntegral $ 1 * c)
storeOut <- fromForeignPtr fpB (fromIntegral $ 0 * c)
func a b c storeInp storeOut
callback :: MVar (Seq.Seq [Int32]) -> PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo -> [StreamCallbackFlag] -> CULong
-> SV.Vector Int32 -> SV.Vector Int32 -> IO StreamResult
callback seqmvar = \timeinfo flags numsamples input output -> do
putStrLn $ "timeinfo: " ++ show timeinfo ++ "; flags are " ++ show flags ++ " in callback with " ++ show numsamples ++ " samples."
print input
-- write data to output
--mapM_ (uncurry $ pokeElemOff output) $ zip (map fromIntegral [0..(numsamples-1)]) datum
--print "wrote data"
input' <- evaluate $ SV.unpack input
modifyMVar_ seqmvar (\s -> return $ s Seq.|> input')
case flags of
[] -> return $ if unPaTime (outputBufferDacTime timeinfo) > 0.2 then Complete else Continue
_ -> return Complete
done doneMVar = do
putStrLn "total done dood!"
putMVar doneMVar True
return ()
main = do
let samplerate = 16000
Nothing <- initialize
print "initialized"
m <- newEmptyMVar
datum <- newMVar Seq.empty
Right s <- openDefaultStream 1 0 samplerate Nothing (Just $ buffCBtoRawCB' (callback datum)) (Just $ done m)
startStream s
_ <- takeMVar m -- wait until our callbacks decide they are done!
Nothing <- terminate
print "let's see what we've recorded..."
stuff <- takeMVar datum
print stuff
-- write out wav file
-- let datum =
-- audio = Audio { sampleRate = samplerate
-- , channelNumber = 1
-- , sampleData = datum
-- }
-- exportFile "foo.wav" audio
print "main done"