is there any way to add jquery ready() function to a code like this?

<script type='text/javascript' src='http://xxxxxxxxxxx?id=35&amp;k=bf6ee6f24e058a864298&amp;method=div' id='block-4e058a8642973ae2c431f0d8'></script>

suppose we can't add ready function within the actual js code in that src link

if we can't, then is there anyway to make this script load last?


4 回答 4


Yes. If you know jQuery will be loaded prior to this line you can have the content contained in the following in the external file.

$(function () {
   // file content here

If you can't change the target file there are also script loading plugins that will allow control over when things are loaded. This is easiest way.

For example yep/nope is popular. http://yepnopejs.com/

于 2013-02-02T01:18:17.730 回答

Simple answer you cant, without having the jquery library added.

but if you place the script just before the final </html> tag it should execute last.

于 2013-02-02T01:18:48.860 回答

2 simple ways:

  1. Put the script tag at the bottom of your page.
  2. Create it dynamically with JS and add it to the page after your other scripts using something like:
window.onload = function() {
     var s = document.createElement('script');
     s.src = "http://yourscripthere";
于 2013-02-02T01:20:25.850 回答

I get the impression it's because you want to change something in the src

    var your_id=35;
    $.getScript('http://xxxxxxxxxxx?id=' + your_id + '&amp;k=bf6ee6f24e058a864298&amp;method=div');

or if you want it to load after everything else has loaded

    var your_id=35;
    $.getScript('http://xxxxxxxxxxx?id=' + your_id + '&amp;k=bf6ee6f24e058a864298&amp;method=div');
于 2013-02-02T01:43:21.153 回答