Say I have a DataTable with four columns, Company (string), Fund (string), State (string), Value(double):
table1.Rows.Add("Company 1","Fund 1","NY",100));
table1.Rows.Add("Company 2","Fund 1","CA",200));
table1.Rows.Add("Company 3","Fund 1","FL",300));
table1.Rows.Add("Company 4","Fund 2","CA",400));
table1.Rows.Add("Company 5","Fund 1","NY",500));
table1.Rows.Add("Company 6","Fund 2","CA",600));
table1.Rows.Add("Company 7","Fund 3","FL",700));
I want to use System.LINQ.Dynamic to build a dynamic query which groups on either Company, Fund, or State, and then selects my group by criteria as the first column, and sum(value):
string groupbyvalue="Fund";
var q1= table1.AsEnumerable().AsQueryable()
.Select("new ("+groupbyvalue+" as Group, Sum(Value) as TotalValue)");
In the above query, the selected groupbyvalue (Group) will always be a string, and the sum will always be a double, so I want to be able to cast into something like a List, where Result is an object with properties Group (string) and TotalValue (double).
I'm having a lot of trouble with this, can anyone shed some light?