我确实有一个需要链接的应用程序libjvm(JDK 中的一个库需要进行 JNI 绑定)。当我告诉libjvm.dylib使用-L它的位置成功编译和链接。但是,当我运行二进制文件时,我得到:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libjvm.dylib
  Referenced from: <my home directory>/./mybinary
  Reason: image not found

到目前为止,我发现我可以像这样运行指定 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 的二进制文件:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path to libfolder installation> ./mybinary


我还了解到,mac os x 上的动态库确实有一种标记,可以告诉那里的位置。但是我不知道是什么rpath(对我来说似乎是一个变量,但我如何在链接期间设置它?)。

该应用程序是使用 haskell 构建的,但我同样可以使用ld. 但是,我被困在 rpath 上——它对 JDK 库来说可能是特殊的吗?


ghc --make Main.hs mycbinding.o -ljvm -L<javahome>/jre/lib/server -o mybinary

1 回答 1


从 Apple 的dyld 手册页


  Dyld maintains a current stack of paths called the run path list.
  When @rpath is encountered it is substituted with each path in the
  run path list until a loadable dylib if found. The run path stack
  is built from the LC_RPATH load commands in the depencency chain
  that lead to the current dylib load. You can add an LC_RPATH load
  command to an image with the -rpath option to ld(1). You can even add
  a LC_RPATH load command path that starts with @loader_path/, and it
  will push a path on the run path stack that relative to the image
  containing the LC_RPATH. The use of @rpath is most useful when you
  have a complex directory structure of programs and dylibs which can be
  installed anywhere, but keep their relative positions. This scenario
  could be implemented using @loader_path, but every client of a dylib
  could need a different load path because its relative position in the
  file system is different. The use of @rpath introduces a level of
  indirection that simplies things. You pick a location in your directory
  structure as an anchor point. Each dylib then gets an install path that
  starts with @rpath and is the path to the dylib relative to the anchor
  point. Each main executable is linked with -rpath @loader_path/zzz,
  where zzz is the path from the executable to the anchor point. At runtime
  dyld sets it run path to be the anchor point, then each dylib is found
  relative to the anchor point.

在链接二进制文件时需要传递-rpath path/containing/the/libraryto以告诉它在共享库加载命令中ld扩展前缀时在哪里搜索。@rpath/使用 GHC,您可以使用-optl-Wl参数将标志传递给ld,因此您需要像这样调用 GHC:

ghc --make Main.hs mycbinding.o -ljvm -L<javahome>/jre/lib/server -optl-Wl,-rpath,<javahome>/jre/lib/server -o mybinary
于 2013-02-02T01:19:49.840 回答