data Inhibitor = Done | Timeout | Interrupt deriving Show
timeout deadline w | deadline <= 0 = inhibit Timeout
| otherwise = mkGen $ \dt a -> do
res <- stepWire w dt a
case res of
(Right o, w') -> return (Right o, timeout (deadline - dt) w')
(Left e, _) -> return (Left e, inhibit e)
这是 switchBy 的一种变体,它允许您更改一次电线。注意,它传递了一条新线的禁止信号:
switchOn new w0 =
mkGen $ \dt x' ->
let select w' = do
(mx, w) <- stepWire w' dt x'
case mx of
Left ex -> stepWire (new ex) dt x'
Right x -> return (Right x, switchOn new w)
in select w0
这是 (-->) 的变体,它抓住了中断任务链的想法。
infixr 1 ~>
w1 ~> w2 = switchOn ( \e -> case e of
Done -> w2
_ -> inhibit e
) w1