我还没有找到将 Spray.io 路由拆分为多个文件的可靠示例或结构。我发现我的路由的当前结构将变得非常繁琐,对于一个非常简单的 REST API 应用程序,将它们抽象为不同的“控制器”会很好。

文档似乎没有太大帮助:http ://spray.io/documentation/spray-routing/key-concepts/directives/#directives


class AccountServiceActor extends Actor with AccountService {

  def actorRefFactory = context

  def receive = handleTimeouts orElse runRoute(demoRoute)

  def handleTimeouts: Receive = {
    case Timeout(x: HttpRequest) =>
      sender ! HttpResponse(StatusCodes.InternalServerError, "Request timed out.")

// this trait defines our service behavior independently from the service actor
trait AccountService extends HttpService {

  val demoRoute = {
    get {
      path("") {
        respondWithMediaType(`text/html`) { // XML is marshalled to `text/xml` by default, so we simply override here
      } ~
      path("ping") {
      } ~
      path("timeout") { ctx =>
        // we simply let the request drop to provoke a timeout
      } ~
      path("crash") { ctx =>
        throw new RuntimeException("crash boom bang")
      } ~
      path("fail") {
        failWith(new RuntimeException("aaaahhh"))
      } ~
      path("riaktestsetup") {
      } ~
      path("riaktestfetch" / Rest) { id =>



3 回答 3


我个人将其用于大型 API:

class ApiActor extends Actor with Api {
  override val actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory = context

  def receive = runRoute(route)

 * API endpoints
 * Individual APIs are created in traits that are mixed here
trait Api extends ApiService
  with AccountApi with SessionApi
  with ContactsApi with GroupsApi
  with GroupMessagesApi with OneToOneMessagesApi
  with PresenceApi
  with EventsApi
  with IosApi
  with TelephonyApi
  with TestsApi {
  val route = {
    presenceApiRouting ~
    oneToOneMessagesApiRouting ~
    groupMessagesApiRouting ~
    eventsApiRouting ~
    accountApiRouting ~
    groupsApiRouting ~
    sessionApiRouting ~
    contactsApiRouting ~
    iosApiRouting ~
    telephonyApiRouting ~

我建议将最常见的路由放在首位,并pathPrefix尽快在子路由中使用,这样可以减少 Spray 为每个传入请求运行的测试数量。


  val groupsApiRouting = {
    pathPrefix("v3" / "groups") {
      pathEnd {
        get {
          traceName("GROUPS - Get joined groups list") { listJoinedGroups }
        } ~
        post {
          traceName("GROUPS - Create group") { createGroup }
      } ~
      pathPrefix(LongNumber) { groupId =>
        pathEnd {
          get {
            traceName("GROUPS - Get by ID") { getGroupInformation(groupId) }
          } ~
          put {
            traceName("GROUPS - Edit by ID") { editGroup(groupId) }
          } ~
          delete {
            traceName("GROUPS - Delete by ID") { deleteGroup(groupId) }
        } ~
        post {
          path("invitations" / LongNumber) { invitedUserId =>
            traceName("GROUPS - Invite user to group") { inviteUserToGroup(groupId, invitedUserId) }
          } ~
          path("invitations") {
            traceName("GROUPS - Invite multiple users") { inviteUsersToGroup(groupId) }
        } ~
        pathPrefix("members") {
          pathEnd {
            get {
              traceName("GROUPS - Get group members list") { listGroupMembers(groupId) }
          } ~
          path("me") {
            post {
              traceName("GROUPS - Join group") { joinGroup(groupId) }
            } ~
            delete {
              traceName("GROUPS - Leave group") { leaveGroup(groupId) }
          } ~
          delete {
            path(LongNumber) { removedUserId =>
              traceName("GROUPS - Remove group member") { removeGroupMember(groupId, removedUserId) }
        } ~
        path("coverPhoto") {
          get {
            traceName("GROUPS - Request a new cover photo upload") { getGroupCoverPhotoUploadUrl(groupId) }
          } ~
          put {
            traceName("GROUPS - Confirm a cover photo upload") { confirmCoverPhotoUpload(groupId) }
        } ~
        get {
          path("attachments" / "new") {
            traceName("GROUPS - Request attachment upload") { getGroupAttachmentUploadUrl(groupId) }
于 2014-08-11T20:59:17.793 回答

您可以使用 ~ 组合器组合来自不同“控制器”的路由。

class AccountServiceActor extends Actor with HttpService {

  def actorRefFactory = context

  def receive = handleTimeouts orElse runRoute(
  new AccountService1.accountService1 ~  new AccountService2.accountService2)

  def handleTimeouts: Receive = {
    case Timeout(x: HttpRequest) =>
      sender ! HttpResponse(StatusCodes.InternalServerError, "Request timed out.")

class AccountService1 extends HttpService {

  val accountService1 = {
    get {
      path("") {
        respondWithMediaType(`text/html`) { // XML is marshalled to `text/xml` by default, so we simply override here

class AccountService2 extends HttpService {

  val accountService2 = {
    get {
      path("someotherpath") {
        respondWithMediaType(`text/html`) { // XML is marshalled to `text/xml` by default, so we simply override here
于 2013-02-01T19:55:18.050 回答


import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.actor.Props
import spray.can.Http
import akka.io.IO
import akka.actor.ActorRefFactory
import spray.routing.HttpService
import akka.actor.Actor

 * API endpoints
 * Individual APIs are created in traits that are mixed here

trait Api extends ApiService
with UserAccountsService
  val route ={
    apiServiceRouting ~


trait ApiService extends HttpService{
  val apiServiceRouting={
      path("ping") {
       get {
        complete {

trait UserAccountsService extends HttpService{
  val accountsServiceRouting={
     path("getAdmin") {
      get {
        complete {
class ApiActor extends Actor with Api {
  override val actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory = context

  def receive = runRoute(this.route)

object MainTest extends App {

  // we need an ActorSystem to host our application in
  implicit val system = ActorSystem("UserInformaitonHTTPServer")

  // the handler actor replies to incoming HttpRequests
  val handler = system.actorOf(Props[ApiActor], name = "handler")

  // starting the server
  IO(Http) ! Http.Bind(handler, interface = "localhost", port = 8080)

于 2015-10-11T23:35:33.443 回答