我正在使用 Facebook C# SDK 与我的 funpage 交互,我编写了一个 ASP NET vb 页面,在 fun page 墙上发布照片,它在我的本地机器上运行良好,但是当我尝试执行页面时收到此错误我的网站:
尝试通过方法“DynamicClass.CallSite.Target(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite, System.Object)”访问类型“System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite`1”失败。
下面的代码在 _step = 3 之后生成此错误:
Dim app As New FacebookClient(access_token)
_step = 1
Dim accts As Object = app.Get("/me/accounts")
_step = 2
' find the access token for the fan page
Dim page_access_token As String
_step = 3
For Each acct As Object In accts.data
_step = 4
If acct.id = Session("page_id").ToString() Then
_step = 5
page_access_token = acct.access_token
' get_album(page_access_token);
_step = 6
Dim fb As New FacebookClient(page_access_token)
_step = 7
Session.Add("page_access_token", page_access_token)
Exit For
End If