是否可以扩展 TinyMCE 富文本编辑器以允许将内部链接插入到我的网站页面。
我已经有一个可以返回页面名称和 URL 列表的函数,但是我不知道如何向高级链接插件添加新按钮。
是否可以扩展 TinyMCE 富文本编辑器以允许将内部链接插入到我的网站页面。
我已经有一个可以返回页面名称和 URL 列表的函数,但是我不知道如何向高级链接插件添加新按钮。
We recently just added this to our CMS system, so yes, it's certainly doable. We found it easiest to just add a whole new button to tinyMCE that created its own popup that handled all the Internal Links stuff such as presenting a list of pages that could be linked to, creating the href itself and embedding it back into the page.
Our CMS system already had all the functionality to list pages in a tree format so if you have something similar you can just popup your own created page from the tinyMCE button.
(Also remember to give some thought to how you'll handle internal links to deleted or archived pages).
TinyMCE 支持将在对话框中显示的 url 列表,该对话框用于将给定文本链接到地址。
更多信息可以在 TinyMCE 的手册中找到: http ://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration3x:external_link_list_url