在 typica 1.7 中,Domain 类中没有 listItemsWithAttributes 函数,而这在早期版本中可用。如何使用 Typica 1.7 获取域中的项目列表
128 次
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请参阅com.xerox.amazonws.simpledb.Domain 类的selectItems方法。您需要传递带有显式属性列表的查询。
您可以在 SELECT 查询中指定一个明确的属性列表(attribute1,...,attributeN) -
select attribute1,..., attributeN from <domain name>
方法 -
public SDBListResult<Item> selectItems(String selectExpression,
String nextToken,
boolean consistent)
throws SDBException
Performs a query against this domain. A set of items is returned which may not be complete. If the nextToken in the result is set, this method can be called again with the same query and the supplied nextToken.
selectExpression - the query to be run
nextToken - an optional token to get more results
consistent - if true, consistency is assured
SDBException - wraps checked exceptions
于 2013-02-04T06:00:28.140 回答