I am really stuck at the moment. When I put a Required attribute on a field, Update-Database did not work. I had to go to the database and drop a constraint and then it did work. So problem solved. However since then all the changes I have tried to make have been ignored. I get;

PM> Update-Database -Verbose
Using StartUp project 'SCD'.
Using NuGet project 'SCD.Model'.
Specify the '-Verbose' flag to view the SQL statements being applied to the target database.
Target database is: 'SherryGreenGroup' (DataSource: SQL_MULALLEY, Provider: System.Data.SqlClient, Origin: Configuration).
No pending code-based migrations.
Running Seed method.

It simply ignores the change I am making and nothing I can do will change that. Why would this be and how do I fix it?


1 回答 1


我发现的问题是我将我的数据库项目的 dll 移到了一个 lib 库中,这破坏了 Database Migrations 的工作方式。

于 2013-02-04T07:53:25.297 回答