Simple and nice Sinatra BCrypt authentication system - I would appreciate an explanation =)
I found this very nice article on a very simple authentication system made for Sinatra together using BCrypt and I think it's great and simple, with an nice continues classic code.
However, I have trouble understanding it, and yes I am a noob. I would really appreciate if some of you could explain at least some of the code to me, and the one I am especially interested in is this part
post "/signup" do
password_salt = BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt
password_hash = BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(params[:password], password_salt)
#ideally this would be saved into a database, hash used just for sample
userTable[params[:username]] = {
:salt => password_salt,
:passwordhash => password_hash
session[:username] = params[:username]
redirect "/"
post "/login" do
if userTable.has_key?(params[:username])
user = userTable[params[:username]]
if user[:passwordhash] == BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(params[:password], user[:salt])
session[:username] = params[:username]
redirect "/"
haml :error
I guess there isn't anything wrong with the code considering it's written by someone who is much better than me with that kind of stuff, but it could contain errors, but most likely not. Since I am quite new to both Sinatra and the use of BCrypt I would appreciate if someone could explain the procedure and the way it encrypts the password.
All the rest of the code is there when you visit the link, no point pasting it all here.
Also I think if I have understood correctly that the BCryptEngine creates a salt from the user param :password, but I can't understand how it saves the user to the table and all etceteral stuff. Thanks :)