我在 services.msc 中有一项服务,其描述为“无法读取描述。错误代码:2”。

问题是该服务不在注册表中,使用“sc delete 将不起作用。我尝试将密钥添加到注册表中,并将显示名称的字符串值设置为与 service.msc 中的服务相同,然后尝试删除。


1 回答 1


AFAIK, the problem lies here::

Ive tried adding the key into the registry with the string value set for the display name the same as the service in the service.msc.

The actual Registry Entry SubKey of the service may change from the DisplayName. Ex:: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ ABC may contain the DisplayName Value as XYZ.

All service names are defined under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE.

于 2013-02-01T08:33:58.840 回答