我正在使用具有四种内容类型的 SharePoint 2007 日历。

  1. 标准会议
  2. Skype 会议
  3. 电话会议
  4. 聊天会议

我正在使用 JQuery 1.4.2。

我正在尝试在日历页面上为提前不到 72 小时安排的 Skype 会议创建警报弹出窗口。如果在 URL 中传递了“SkypeError=1”,我会在日历页面中内置警报以显示。

现在我正在尝试让 Ne​​wForm.aspx 识别已选择 Skype 会议内容类型并显示错误。在 PreSaveAction 函数中,我有一个警报显示 ContentTypeId 正在被识别,另一个警报显示选择了哪个动态 URL。然后在 setOnSubmitRedir 函数中,我有一个警报,显示相同的 URL 已传递给它,另一个警报显示完整的 url 已针对提交按钮进行了修改。

在日历中添加 Satandard 会议时,一切正常。但是,如果我选择任何其他内容类型,则只有取消按钮有效。如果我按提交,我会得到通用的 MOSS2007“发生意外错误。 ”考虑到我可以看到正确的信息正在传递,这很奇怪。另外,当我查看错误页面的 URL 时,我会在那里看到:

我尝试从动态重定向中删除“ ?SkypeTime=yes ”,认为“ ? ”可能会导致问题。

非常感谢和需要帮助。任何有关如何测试从开始时间不到 72 小时内添加的事件的帮助也非常感谢。

代码是使用 CEWP 添加的。我没有服务器权限来启用更多可靠的错误或查看日志。

<script type="text/javascript" src="/94thaamdc/SiteCollectionCode/jquery-1.4.2.min.js">
//Load JQuery

<script type="text/javascript">
// Where to go when cancel is clicked on the form
goToWhenCanceled = '/myPortal/Pages/MeetingCalendar.aspx';
// Edit the redirect on the cancel-button's

// Function to determine the dynamic URL for the OnSubmit-redirect.
// This function is automatically executed before saving the item.
function PreSaveAction(){
// The URL is determined by the ContentTypeId located in the URL of the content type link.
// Grab the ContentTypeId from the content type link's URL and save it to a local
// variable called contentTypeId.
var contentTypeId = querySt("ContentTypeId");
// Assign a dynamic redirect URL to the function by setting it here
// based on contentTypeId from the URL.
        var dynamicRedirect = '/myPortal/Pages/MeetingCalendar.aspx?SkypeError=1';
        var dynamicRedirect = '/myPortal/Pages/MeetingCalendar.aspx';
    // Alerts are just to watch what's going on in the code. Remove when done testing.
    alert("1. contentTypeId:  "+contentTypeId);
    alert("2. dynamicRedirect:  "+dynamicRedirect);
    // Call the function and set the redirect URL in the form-action attribute
    // This function must return true for the save item to happen
    return true;

//Function to parse the ContentTypeId from the URL string
function querySt(stKey) {
    stQString = window.location.search.substring(1);
    arKeyValues = stQString.split("&");
    for (i = 0; i < arKeyValues.length; i++) {
        arPairs = arKeyValues[i].split("=");
        if (arPairs[0] == stKey) {
            return arPairs[1];

// Function to edit the form-action attribute to add the source=yourCustomRedirectPage
function setOnSubmitRedir(redirURL){
var action = $("#aspnetForm").attr('action');
var end = action.indexOf('&');
        newAction = action + "?Source=" + redirURL;
        newAction = action.substring(0,end) + "&Source=" + redirURL;
// Test to see if the URL was passed correctly. Remove when done testing.
alert("3. redirURL:  "+redirURL);
// Test to see if the new URL is properly formatted. Remove when done testing.
alert("4. newAction:  "+newAction);

1 回答 1


由于我无法弄清楚为什么重定向不起作用,我选择了另一条不需要它的路径。不过,我仍然想知道最初的尝试有什么问题。我需要改进弹出的实际警告框,但下面的代码运行良好。该警告仅针对进入事件的人显示,并且每次他们进入日历时都会显示,直到他们在 72 小时前进入新事件。

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/myPortal/jquery.1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/myPortal/jquery.SPServices-0.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
Name:           EventTimeLimit
Developer:      RogueVeggie
Version - Date: v1 - 20130207

Purpose:        Test if a Skype meeting has been added less than 72 hours prior to 
                the actual meeting time in a SharePoint Calendar.
                A warning displays if this is the last event entered by the user.

Prerequisite:   Create a Content Type called "Skype Meeting".
                In the SharePoint calendar Create a Calculated column called Skype72hrTest.
                Paste the following script into it:

                IF([Content Type]="Skype Meeting",IF([Sit Down Time]-Created>=3,"Pass","Fail"),"NA")

                Add this code to a Content Editor Web Part at the bottom of your SharePoint 
                Calendar page.
                Set the web part Chrome to "None".
                Don't hide the web part or the warning won't display.

var taskListName = "MYGUID12-3456-7890-ASDF-GHJKLZXCVBNM" // This is the GUID of the list we want to query.
var lastId = $().SPServices.SPGetLastItemId({ 
    listName: taskListName 
}); // This gets the ID of the last event added by the current user.
var testQuery = "<Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Text'>"+lastId+"</Value></Eq></Where></Query>"; // This is our CAML Query string.
var divWarn = "<DIV style='Z-INDEX: 999; POSITION: absolute; PADDING-BOTTOM: 25px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #800505; PADDING-LEFT: 25px; WIDTH: 743px; PADDING-RIGHT: 25px; HEIGHT: 175px; COLOR: white; FONT-SIZE: 150%; TOP: 55%; FONT-WEIGHT: 900; PADDING-TOP: 25px; LEFT: 22.38%' id='VTCWarn'><DIV style='FONT-SIZE: 200%'>WARNING:</DIV><DIV>Skype scheduling requires 72 hour notice to register.<BR>Please contact IT.</DIV></DIV>";//This is the warning message

$(document).ready(function() {
    operation: "GetListItems",
    async: false,
    listName: taskListName ,
   CAMLRowLimit: 1,
    CAMLQuery: testQuery,
    CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='Skype72hrTest' /></ViewFields>",// Skype72hrTest is a calculated column in the calendar to test if the event was added less than 72 hours before the Skype meeting.
    completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
        $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function() {
            var passFail = $(this).attr("ows_Skype72hrTest");// Skype72hrTest stores the result in a string as "Pass", "Fail", or "NA".

            if (passFail === "string;#Fail"){// Tests to see if the string Fail is in the Skype72hrTest column
// The below DIV is needed so we have a place to put the warning when passFail=Fail.
<div id='Warning'></div>
于 2013-02-08T02:56:32.453 回答