I am using the following API to allow me to interact with Google Blogger. I need to insert a post into the users blog. However I am having trouble with my PostAsync functionality. I get a 401 telling me that my request isn't authorized despite having an API Key, however I think I may not be properly inserting my OAuth token.
I have the following code,
This is the code where I set up my authorization header, (note the key there is fake but is the same form as what i think is the OAuth token)
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("ya29.AHES6ZTBZi1dWPVdlcF7qAD-nSM6XxwY2323232m4lXW");
And this is my PostAsync function
HttpResponseMessage response = await req.PostAsync(URLs.postBlogURL + blogID + URLs.postBlogURLPost, new StringContent(json));
Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong? Cheers.
I amen't sure whether the authorization has to include the string bearer in it.
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer ya29.AHES6ZTBZi1dWPVdlcF7qAD-nSM6XxwY2323232m4lXW");