我正在尝试将 .haml 与 Twitter Bootstrap 一起使用来创建两个表。问题是我的第二个表格渲染得很好,但我的第一个表格文本少得多,似乎在页面上无休止地延伸。如何将我的第一个表格列宽设置为小,与第二个表格的宽度不同?我试过 :class => "table table-condensed" 但这仍然太大了。

    %link(rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css")
    %link(rel="stylesheet" href="css/my.css")
    %title Working Units
    %p These are the units that are updating. 
%table{:class => "table table-bordered"}
      %th Job 
      %th Age 
    - @plines.each do |row|
        - row.split(/[-,]/).each do |column|
          %td= column
%p These are the units that are not updating. 
%table{:class => "table table-bordered"}
      %th Job 
      %th Age 
      %th Time
    - @mlines.each do |row|
        - row.split(/[-,]/).each do |column|
          %td= column
%a{:href=>"/"} Back to the form

1 回答 1


将表格包裹在div具有特定宽度的 a 中:

    .halfsize {
          width: 50%;
    %table{:class => "table table-bordered"}
          %th Job 
          %th Age 
        - @plines.each do |row|
            - row.split(/[-,]/).each do |column|
              %td= column
于 2013-02-01T11:22:53.587 回答