我租了一台 Joyent SmartOS 机器来为我的项目托管 Neo4j 服务器。
该机器是超小型 0.5 GB (1 vCPU),这意味着它具有 512 兆字节的 RAM。
如果需要,一些 CPU 信息:
# psrinfo -pv
The physical processor has 6 cores and 12 virtual processors (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23)
The core has 2 virtual processors (1 13)
The core has 2 virtual processors (3 15)
The core has 2 virtual processors (5 17)
The core has 2 virtual processors (7 19)
The core has 2 virtual processors (9 21)
The core has 2 virtual processors (11 23)
x86 (GenuineIntel 206C2 family 6 model 44 step 2 clock 2400 MHz)
Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E5645 @ 2.40GHz
The physical processor has 6 cores and 12 virtual processors (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22)
The core has 2 virtual processors (0 12)
The core has 2 virtual processors (2 14)
The core has 2 virtual processors (4 16)
The core has 2 virtual processors (6 18)
The core has 2 virtual processors (8 20)
The core has 2 virtual processors (10 22)
x86 (GenuineIntel 206C2 family 6 model 44 step 2 clock 2400 MHz)
Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E5645 @ 2.40GHz