这就是我最终要做的。我从这篇文章中借了很多东西:如何制作一个在 Excel 中定期执行的宏?
当用户单击超链接时,代码开始定期检查 Excel 是否是他们的活动窗口。我发现如果用户不在 Excel 应用程序中,GetActiveWindow 函数返回零,如果是,则返回一些正数。如果代码发现用户从不同的窗口返回到 Excel(之前的检查发现他们在不同的窗口中,而当前的检查发现他们在 Excel 中)然后我的表会更新并且计时器停止检查活动窗口.
Option Explicit
Dim ExcelIsActive As Boolean
Private Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
Dim m_dtNextTime As Date
Dim m_dtInterval As Date
Dim DisableFlag As Boolean
Private Sub Workbook_SheetFollowHyperlink(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Call start
End Sub
Public Sub Enable(Interval As Date)
Call Disable
m_dtInterval = Interval
Call starttimer
End Sub
Private Sub starttimer()
m_dtNextTime = Now + m_dtInterval
Application.OnTime m_dtNextTime, "TestActive"
End Sub
Public Sub TestActive()
If GetActiveWindow > 0 Then
If ExcelIsActive = False Then
ExcelIsActive = True
Call RefreshQuery
End If
ExcelIsActive = False
End If
If Not DisableFlag Then
Call starttimer
Call Disable
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Disable()
Dim dtZero As Date
If m_dtNextTime <> dtZero Then
' Stop timer if it is running
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime m_dtNextTime, "TestActive", , False
On Error GoTo 0
m_dtNextTime = dtZero
End If
m_dtInterval = dtZero
End Sub
Sub start()
'Start the timer
DisableFlag = False
ExcelIsActive = True
'Sets the interval to be three seconds
Call Enable(#12:00:03 AM#)
End Sub
Public Sub RefreshQuery()
'I do my stuff here
'Stop the timer until the next time the user launches the browser
DisableFlag = True
End Sub