C# .NET 4.0 WinForms

我从本教程开始实现 MEF 示例代码,该代码描述了为元数据创建自定义 ExportAttribute 属性。一切都很顺利,直到我尝试将资源文件中的图像包含在元数据中。目标是提取每个插件 DLL 的标题、描述和图标作为元数据,用于在主程序中构建插件菜单。


“属性参数必须是属性参数类型的常量表达式、typeof 表达式或数组创建表达式”




2) 如何在不使用属性的情况下在 MEF 中包含元数据?



// Metadata contract interface
public interface IPlugInMetadata
    string PlugInTitle { get; }
    string PlugInDescription { get; }
    Image PlugInIcon { get; }

// Plug-In contract interface
public interface IPlugIn
    void StartPlugIn(object systemObject);
    void StopPlugin();

插件 DLL 中的自定义属性:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class PluginMetadataAttribute : ExportAttribute
    public string title { get; set; }
    public string description { get; set; }
    public Image icon { get; set; }

    public PluginMetadataAttribute(string plugInTitle, string plugInDescription, Image plugInIcon) 
        : base(typeof(IPlugInMetadata))
        title = plugInTitle;
        description = plugInDescription;
        icon = plugInIcon;

最后,插件 DLL 中的 Program 类:

[PluginMetadata(ResourceFile.PlugInTitle, ResourceFile.PlugInDescription, ResourceFile.PlugInIcon24)]
public class Program : IPlugIn
    public void StartPlugIn(object systemObject)
        Console.WriteLine("Start Plug-In: " + ResourceFile.PlugInTitle);

    public void StopPlugin()
        Console.WriteLine("Stop Plug-In: " + ResourceFile.PlugInTitle);


[PluginMetadata(ResourceFile.PlugInTitle, ResourceFile.PlugInDescription, ResourceFile.PlugInIcon24)]

显然 ResourceFile 不被认为是一个常量,但是我怎样才能将图像用作元数据,或者这是不可能的? (请注意,图像设置为“嵌入 .resx”)



1 回答 1



好的,据我所知,您不能在 MEF 元数据中使用图像或图标。但是,您可以为 DLL 文件分配一个图标,就像您可以为 EXE 文件分配一个图标一样。然后可以使用 .NET 的 Icon 类型中内置的静态方法读取图标:

Icon MyDLLIcon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(DLLFilePath);

我仍然不确定为什么可以从资源文件中返回字符串作为 MEF 元数据,而不是嵌入的图标或图像。



  • 旨在成为具有 5 个项目(MainProgram、ContractInterfaces、PlugInA、PlugInB、PlugInC)的单一解决方案

  • Post Build Events 将自动将每个项目中的 DLL 复制到一个通用的“插件”文件夹中

  • MainProgram (WinForm) 项目将构建可用 DLL 插件的目录,并使用每个插件的图标和元数据标题填充 ListView

  • 双击 ListView 项将实例化插件(利用延迟实例化),然后启动它。

  • 每个插件在启动时都会收到对主窗体的引用,创建一个新的文本框,并将其发布到主窗体以证明它已运行并可以访问 GUI。

  • 所选插件的标题、描述和版本元数据值将打印到控制台窗口

我为每个 DLL 分配了一个不同的图标(来自旧的 Visual Studio 6 Common Graphics Misc 文件夹)


从 DLL 插件中提取图标以创建 ListView,并且一旦启动(在双击 ListView 中的每个插件项之后),DLL 就会创建文本框并将其发布到 GUI。

将以下代码添加到名为“MainProgram”的全新 C# WinForm 项目中(我使用的是 VS 2010):

出于某种原因,代码示例解析器不喜欢 Using 语句,所以这里将它们作为要点:

  • 使用系统;
  • 使用 System.Collections.Generic;
  • 使用 System.ComponentModel.Composition;
  • 使用 System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting;
  • 使用 System.Drawing;
  • 使用 System.IO;
  • 使用 System.Windows.Forms;
  • 使用合同接口;
  • (命名空间)主程序

public partial class Form1 : Form
    // Prerequisites to run:
    //      1)  Project, Add Reference, Projects, ContractInterface
    //      2)  Project, Add Reference, .NET, System.ComponentModel.Composition

    private IEnumerable<Lazy<IPlugIn, IPlugInMetadata>> LoadedPlugIns;

    List<PlugInInfo> AvailablePlugIns = null;

    public Form1()

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get a list of the available Plug-Ins
        AvailablePlugIns = GetPlugInList();

        // Prepare an ImageList to hold the DLL icons
        ImageList ImgList = new ImageList();
        ImgList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
        ImgList.ImageSize = new Size(32, 32);

        // Populate ImageList with Plug-In Icons
        foreach (var item in AvailablePlugIns)

        // Assign the ImageList to the ListView
        listView1.LargeImageList = ImgList;

        int imageIndex = 0;

        // Create the ListView items
        foreach (var item in AvailablePlugIns)
            listView1.Items.Add(item.PlugInTitle, imageIndex);

        listView1.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler(listView1_MouseDoubleClick);

    void listView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        // Get the Plug-In index number 
        int plugInNum = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Index;

        PlugInInfo selectedPlugIn = AvailablePlugIns[plugInNum];

        // Call the StartPlugIn method in the selected Plug-In.
        // Lazy Instantiation will fully load the Assembly here

        Console.WriteLine("Plug-In Title:          {0}", selectedPlugIn.PlugInTitle);
        Console.WriteLine("Plug-In Description:    {0}", selectedPlugIn.PlugInDescription);
        Console.WriteLine("Plug-In Version:        {0}", selectedPlugIn.PlugInVersion);

    private List<PlugInInfo> GetPlugInList()
        // Create a List to hold the info for each plug-in
        List<PlugInInfo> plugInList = new List<PlugInInfo>();

        // Set Plug-In folder path to same directory level as Solution
        string plugInFolderPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\..\Plug-Ins");

        // Test if the Plug-In folder exists
        if (!Directory.Exists(plugInFolderPath))
            // Plug-In Folder is missing, so try to create it
            { Directory.CreateDirectory(plugInFolderPath); }
            { MessageBox.Show("Failed to create Plug-In folder", "Folder Creation Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); }

            // Create a catalog of plug-ins
            var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(plugInFolderPath, "*.dll");
            AggregateCatalog plugInCatalog = new AggregateCatalog();
            CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(plugInCatalog);

            // This line will fetch the metadata from each plug-in and populate LoadedPlugIns

            // Save each Plug-Ins metadata
            foreach (var plugin in LoadedPlugIns)
                PlugInInfo info = new PlugInInfo();

                info.PlugInTitle = plugin.Metadata.PlugInTitle;
                info.PlugInDescription = plugin.Metadata.PlugInDescription;
                info.PlugInVersion = plugin.Metadata.PlugInVersion;
                info.PlugIn = plugin.Value;


            int index = 0;

            // Extract icons from each Plug-In DLL and store in Plug-In list
            foreach (var filePath in catalog.LoadedFiles)
                plugInList[index].PlugInIcon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(filePath);
        catch (FileNotFoundException fex)
            Console.WriteLine("File not found exception : " + fex.Message);
        catch (CompositionException cex)
            Console.WriteLine("Composition exception : " + cex.Message);
        catch (DirectoryNotFoundException dex)
            Console.WriteLine("Directory not found exception : " + dex.Message);

        return plugInList;

public class PlugInInfo
    public string PlugInTitle { get; set; }
    public string PlugInDescription { get; set; }
    public string PlugInVersion { get; set; }
    public Icon PlugInIcon { get; set; }
    public IPlugIn PlugIn { get; set; }

现在向主窗体添加一个名为“listView1”的 ListView 控件,并将其保留在窗体的右侧。从插件动态创建的文本框将显示在左侧。


  • 使用 System.Windows.Forms;
  • (命名空间)ContractInterfaces

// Prerequisites to run:
//      1)  Project, Add Reference, .NET, "System.Windows.Forms"

public interface IPlugIn
    void StartPlugIn(Form mainForm);

public interface IPlugInMetadata
    string PlugInTitle { get; }
    string PlugInDescription { get; }
    string PlugInVersion { get; }


  • 使用系统;
  • 使用 System.ComponentModel.Composition;
  • 使用 System.Windows.Forms;
  • 使用合同接口;
  • (命名空间)PluginA

    // Prerequisites to run:
//      1)  Project, Add Reference, Projects, "ContractInterface"
//      2)  Project, Add Reference, .NET, "System.Windows.Forms"
//      3)  Project, Add Reference, .NET, "System.ComponentModel.Composition"
//      4)  Project, Properties, Build Events, Post-Build event command line:
//          xcopy "$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)$(TargetFileName)"  "$(SolutionDir)Plug-Ins\" /Y
//      5)  Project, Properties, Build Events, Run the post-build event:, Always
//      6)  Project, Properties, Application, Icon and manifest, [Select an icon]

public class Program : IPlugIn
    private Form MainForm;

    public void StartPlugIn(Form mainForm)
        MainForm = mainForm;

        // Place a TextBox on the Main Form
        TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
        textBox.Text = "PlugInA";
        textBox.Width = 65;
        textBox.Height = 20;
        textBox.Top = 0;
        textBox.Left = 0;

// Create a custom strong-typed Metadata Attribute for MEF
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class PluginMetadataAttribute : ExportAttribute
    public string PlugInTitle { get; set; }
    public string PlugInDescription { get; set; }
    public object PlugInVersion { get; set; }

    public PluginMetadataAttribute()
        : base(typeof(IPlugInMetadata))
        PlugInTitle = "Plug-In A";
        PlugInDescription = "This is Plug-In A";
        PlugInVersion = "";


  • 使用系统;
  • 使用 System.ComponentModel.Composition;
  • 使用 System.Windows.Forms;
  • 使用合同接口;
  • (命名空间)PluginB

// Prerequisites to run:
//      1)  Project, Add Reference, Projects, "ContractInterface"
//      2)  Project, Add Reference, .NET, "System.Windows.Forms"
//      3)  Project, Add Reference, .NET, "System.ComponentModel.Composition"
//      4)  Project, Properties, Build Events, Post-Build event command line:
//          xcopy "$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)$(TargetFileName)"  "$(SolutionDir)Plug-Ins\" /Y
//      5)  Project, Properties, Build Events, Run the post-build event:, Always
//      6)  Project, Properties, Application, Icon and manifest, [Select an icon]

public class Program : IPlugIn
    private Form MainForm;

    public void StartPlugIn(Form mainForm)
        MainForm = mainForm;

        // Place a TextBox on the Main Form
        TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
        textBox.Text = "PlugInB";
        textBox.Width = 65;
        textBox.Height = 20;
        textBox.Top = 30;
        textBox.Left = 0;

// Create a custom strong-typed Metadata Attribute for MEF
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class PluginMetadataAttribute : ExportAttribute
    public string PlugInTitle { get; set; }
    public string PlugInDescription { get; set; }
    public object PlugInVersion { get; set; }

    public PluginMetadataAttribute()
        : base(typeof(IPlugInMetadata))
        PlugInTitle = "Plug-In B";
        PlugInDescription = "This is Plug-In B";
        PlugInVersion = "";


  • 使用系统;
  • 使用 System.ComponentModel.Composition;
  • 使用 System.Windows.Forms;
  • 使用合同接口;
  • (命名空间)插件

// Prerequisites to run:
//      1)  Project, Add Reference, Projects, "ContractInterface"
//      2)  Project, Add Reference, .NET, "System.Windows.Forms"
//      3)  Project, Add Reference, .NET, "System.ComponentModel.Composition"
//      4)  Project, Properties, Build Events, Post-Build event command line:
//          xcopy "$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)$(TargetFileName)"  "$(SolutionDir)Plug-Ins\" /Y
//      5)  Project, Properties, Build Events, Run the post-build event:, Always
//      6)  Project, Properties, Application, Icon and manifest, [Select an icon]

public class Program : IPlugIn
    private Form MainForm;

    public void StartPlugIn(Form mainForm)
        MainForm = mainForm;

        // Place a TextBox on the Main Form
        TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
        textBox.Text = "PlugInC";
        textBox.Width = 65;
        textBox.Height = 20;
        textBox.Top = 60;
        textBox.Left = 0;

// Create a custom strong-typed Metadata Attribute for MEF
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class PluginMetadataAttribute : ExportAttribute
    public string PlugInTitle { get; set; }
    public string PlugInDescription { get; set; }
    public object PlugInVersion { get; set; }

    public PluginMetadataAttribute()
        : base(typeof(IPlugInMetadata))
        PlugInTitle = "Plug-In C";
        PlugInDescription = "This is Plug-In C";
        PlugInVersion = "";




  • MainProgram - 取决于 - ContractInterface
  • PlugInA - 取决于 - ContractInterface
  • PlugInB - 取决于 - ContractInterface
  • PlugInC - 取决于 - ContractInterface
  • ContractInterface - 取决于 - [无]


  1. 合同界面
  2. 插件A
  3. 插件B
  4. 插件
  5. 主程序

构建并运行程序。您应该会看到 3 个 DLL 文件已复制到与解决方案文件 (*.sln) 位于同一目录级别的新“插件”文件夹中。如果没有,请检查项目构建顺序、依赖关系,以及您是否根据上面插件代码中的注释输入了构建后事件。如果文件在那里,那么 ListView 应该在表单中填充插件条目。双击每个 ListView 条目以启动插件。


于 2013-02-01T23:51:19.477 回答