2009-09-22 20:17:37.771 itryiton[29027:20b] Operation could not be completed. (Cocoa error 1600.)
2009-09-22 20:17:37.773 itryiton[29027:20b] {
NSLocalizedDescription = "Operation could not be completed. (Cocoa error 1600.)";
NSValidationErrorKey = outfitArticleViewProperties;
NSValidationErrorObject = <Article: 0x12aa3c0> (entity: Article; id: 0x12b49a0 <x-coredata://7046DA47-FCE1-4E21-8D7B-E532AAC0CC46/Article/p1> ; data: {
articleID = 2009-09-22 19:05:19 -0400;
articleImage = 0x12b4de0 <x-coredata://7046DA47-FCE1-4E21-8D7B-E532AAC0CC46/ArticleImage/p1>;
articleType = nil;
attributeTitles = "(...not nil..)";
color = nil;
comment = nil;
dateCreated = 2009-09-22 19:05:19 -0400;
designer = nil;
imageView = "(...not nil..)";
location = "(...not nil..)";
outfitArticleViewProperties = (
0x12b50f0 <x-coredata://7046DA47-FCE1-4E21-8D7B-E532AAC0CC46/OutfitArticleViewProperties/p1>
ownesOrWants = 0;
pattern = nil;
price = nil;
retailer = nil;
thumbnail = "(...not nil..)";
washRequirements = nil;
wearableSeasons = nil;
NSValidationErrorValue = {(
<OutfitArticleViewProperties: 0x1215340> (entity: OutfitArticleViewProperties; id: 0x12b50f0 <x-coredata://7046DA47-FCE1-4E21-8D7B-E532AAC0CC46/OutfitArticleViewProperties/p1> ; data: {
article = 0x12b49a0 <x-coredata://7046DA47-FCE1-4E21-8D7B-E532AAC0CC46/Article/p1>;
articleViewPropertiesID = nil;
outfit = nil;
touch = nil;
view = "(...not nil..)";
2009-09-22 18:58:38.591 itryiton[28655:20b] Operation could not be completed. (Cocoa error 1560.)
2009-09-22 18:58:38.593 itryiton[28655:20b] DetailedError: {
NSLocalizedDescription = "Operation could not be completed. (Cocoa error 1600.)";
NSValidationErrorKey = articleImage;
NSValidationErrorObject = <Article: 0x12aa340> (entity: Article; id: 0x12b3f10 <x-coredata://05340FA6-B5DC-4646-A5B4-745C828C73C3/Article/p1> ; data: {
articleID = 2009-09-22 18:58:26 -0400;
articleImage = 0x12b4d00 <x-coredata://05340FA6-B5DC-4646-A5B4-745C828C73C3/ArticleImage/p1>;
articleType = nil;
attributeTitles = "(...not nil..)";
color = nil;
comment = nil;
dateCreated = 2009-09-22 18:58:26 -0400;
designer = nil;
imageView = "(...not nil..)";
location = "(...not nil..)";
outfitArticleViewProperties = (
0x12b5010 <x-coredata://05340FA6-B5DC-4646-A5B4-745C828C73C3/OutfitArticleViewProperties/p1>
ownesOrWants = 0;
pattern = nil;
price = nil;
retailer = nil;
thumbnail = "(...not nil..)";
washRequirements = nil;
wearableSeasons = nil;
NSValidationErrorValue = <ArticleImage: 0x12ad600> (entity: ArticleImage; id: 0x12b4d00 <x-coredata://05340FA6-B5DC-4646-A5B4-745C828C73C3/ArticleImage/p1> ; data: {
article = 0x12b3f10 <x-coredata://05340FA6-B5DC-4646-A5B4-745C828C73C3/Article/p1>;
image = "(...not nil..)";
1600 错误是:
NSValidationRelationshipDeniedDeleteError表示 与删除规则 NSDeleteRuleDeny 的
某些关系的错误代码 是非空的。适用于 Mac OS X v10.4 及更高版本。
在 CoreDataErrors.h 中声明。
但我一辈子都看不到哪种关系会阻止删除。如果某些 Core Data 向导可以看到我的方法的错误,我会感到谦卑。
-(void) deleteFromManangedObjectContext{
self.outfit = nil;
self.article = nil;
[[self managedObjectContext] deleteObject:self];
,我的 delete 方法在某些对象关系上调用,而不是 ,以获得级联。